加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Just arrived Vancouver


Hello! Everybody in Canada! Using my landlord's computer, cannot type Chinese...Have some question,appreciate your reply!!!1. I just landed in Vancouver more than one week, do I have the right to apply for student loan for Master study? I have no working experience in Canada now. 2. Planing to apply the Psychology study in McGill, University of Toronto, University of BC, York University. Do I have any chance?3. Thinking about moving to Montreal while applying for the schools, do I still have the right to take the free French study and subsidy? Fei Chang Gan xie!!!!

回复: Just arrived Vancouver1, sure2, sure, 如果有英语成绩3,来了就可以申请COFI学习法语,与居住时间无关.如果上学大,要在外省居住不超过三个月,在MONTREAL申请上学才会便宜.

回复: Just arrived VancouverMerci!:)

回复: Just arrived VancouverOh, shall I apply for the McGill in Vancouver, or I have to live in Quebec to apply for cheaper tuition? Xie xie!!

回复: Just arrived VancouverOh, shall I apply for the McGill in Vancouver, or I have to live in Quebec to apply for cheaper tuition? Xie xie!!点击展开...You have to take up residency in Quebec within 3 months of your arrival. If you don't settle in Quebec in within 3 months but you move to Quebec later, you may have to live in Quebc for 12 months in order to enjoy Quebec tuition. http://www.mcgill.ca/legaldocuments/

回复: Just arrived VancouverI see...merci so much! Would you please let me know if there's a phone number to web with the official accurate information i am looking for? I hope look into more details. Thanks a lot! BTY, is it difficult to live in Montreal without speaking French? And is the winter there horribly cold? I am small lady from South China, just afraid that i would be frozen there:)Fei Chang Gan Xie!!!

回复: Just arrived VancouverI see...merci so much! Would you please let me know if there's a phone number to web with the official accurate information i am looking for? I hope look into more details. Thanks a lot! BTY, is it difficult to live in Montreal without speaking French? And is the winter there horribly cold? I am small lady from South China, just afraid that i would be frozen there:)Fei Chang Gan Xie!!!点击展开...Have fun... Montreal has a large Chinese population but it is cold (colder than Toronto)... http://www.mels.gouv.qc.ca/ens-sup/ens-univ/2007-07-07_formulaire-anglais_SRQ_universite.pdf

回复: Just arrived VancouverOh, scary....:) May i know is there a phone number of a Chinese speaking immirantion office I can call to get more information of living/working/study in Quebec? For example, there is SUCESS in BC to help the new immigrant with all their questions. Merci!!!

回复: Just arrived VancouverDear sisters and brothers, after several days intensive research and tons of phone calls. Very interested at the McGill, University of Toronto, University of BC, York University in the "social and personality Psychlogy", considering the education quality and government loan, which one you recomment? Thank you!Actually my career goal is to work in organizations, like industry companies, organizations, or government. Just found there's a "Canadian society for Industrial/Organizational Psychology", the universites have the major of "Industrial and organiational psychology", more into my goal: Adler School of Psychology University of British ColumbiaUniversity of Calgary University of GuelphUniversité du Québec à Montréal -english version Université du Québec à Montréal -version franais Saint Mary's UniversityUniversité de Sherbrooke University of WaterlooUniversity of Western Ontario University of WindsorAsking the masters, considering the school, loan and living conditions, which ones you recommend? Sorry for lots of questions...I am looking for a place for a long term to live, study and work. thank you so much!!!!!

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