加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息雅思语法之冠词篇


Incorrect​ 1. This is very good school .2. He is an European.3. I want an one-way ticket.4. This is an university.5. He wants to be an historian.6. The man is a social animal.7. The books are very expensive.8. The roads are broken.9. Is there bank near here?Yes. Where’s a bank?10. He is a student and a teacher.11. There are a black and white dog in the park.12. City of Lahore is very famous. 13. The children are innocent.14. I gave the shopkeeper hundred rupees.15. I like the music. 16. The mathematics is easy. 17. What strange man you are! Correct This is a very good school.He is a European. I want a one-way ticket.This is a university.He wants to be a historian.Man is a social animal.Books are very expensive.Roads are broken.Is there a bank near here?Yes. Where’s the bank?He is a student and teacher.There are a black and a white dog in the park. The city of Lahore is very famous. Children are innocent. I gave the shopkeeper a hundred rupees. I like music.Mathematics is easy. What a strange man you are!

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 雅思语法之冠词篇Incorrect​ 1. Very few people know art of living.2. The Ali is coming to the party.3. He lives in the Pakistan.4. I speaks the French very well.5. The Lahore is a very good city.6. The man is great.7. I am having the lunch.8. A: Where’s the Umer chowk? B: Near Kodak. Correct Very few people know the art of living.Ali is coming to the party.He lives in Pakistan.I speak French very well.Lahore is a very good city.Man is great.I am having lunch.A: Where’s Umer chowk? B: Near Kodak. (a company)

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 雅思语法之冠词篇Incorrect​1. I recite Holy Qur’an daily.2. There are many stars in sky and on ground.3. He is same man as I was talking about.4. He is tallest boy in world.5. Poors are very innocent.6. Who are Chinese?7. They love playing piano.8. Good readers read news.9. Indus is the longest river in Pakistan.10. Maldives and Philippines are beautiful.11. Where is Arabian Sea?12. English are patriotic.13. Himalayas are touching the sky. 14. Muslims should unite. Correct I recite the Holy Qur’an daily.There are many stars in the sky and on the ground. He is the same man as I was talking about.He is the tallest boy in the world.The poor are very innocent.Who are the Chinese?They love playing the piano.Good readers read the news.The Indus is the longest river in Pakistan.The Maldives and the Philippines are beautiful.Where is the Arabian Sea?The English are patriotic.The Himalayas are touching the sky.The Muslims should unite.

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