加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息华人地毯清洗的误区
华人宁可相信自己眼睛 一般华人注重现场清洗,比如要最大的机器,最好的环保药水,最认真的人工。但是清洗完地毯,几乎没有使用地毯保护液的,很多家庭有小孩子,无意中地毯上面都是污渍,很难清洗。地毯寿命就短了。 二是延长地毯清洗间隔,2年3年清洗一次地毯的家庭也不少,满屋子都是螨虫世界,已经成灾了。 只洗地毯,不洗窗帘和沙发。特别是不洗布艺沙发。洗沙发的顾客太少。
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回复: 华人地毯清洗的误区View larger imageScotchgard Carpet and Fabric ProtectorCODE: 3MSCOTCHGARDWeight: 8.00 lbsPrice: $57.00Quantity:Our quantity discounts:Quantity 4+ Price $54.15 Add to wish listDescriptionSpecsDocumentsReviewsAsk a QuestionFeaturesKeep your home cleaner, fresher, brighter ... longer:• Helps protect against both oil and water based stains• Helps carpet fibers resist soiling• Helps spills blot up before they become stains• Helps stains release more easily when carpet and upholstery is cleaned• Helps carpet and upholstery stay cleaner longer• Effective against fruit drinks, soft drinks and frozen fruit treatsImproves vacuuming:Vacuuming is actually more effective with Scotchgard™ Protector. Dirt is more easily picked-up, and fewer passes are required with the vacuum.Simplifies spill cleanup:Scotchgard™ Protector helps keep spills from becoming hard-to-remove spots or stains. It repels liquids, so spills can be blotted up quickly and easily.Professional application:The best time to apply Scotchgard™ Protector is right after cleaning; your professional applicator can do it for you. Regular vacuuming and prompt cleanup of spills will help maintain the bright, freshly cleaned look or a long time.Additional InformationManufacturer 3M-ScotchgardApplication / Use Carpet and Upholstery Teflon Fabric Protector: Please consult application booklet included in every case for more detailed information.Dilution(s)Electric or Hand Pump Sprayers Add 32 ounces per gallon of warm water and shake or mix thoroughly. (1 part concentrate into 4 parts water)Auto Dilution Spray Systems (Injector Sprayers) No predilution necessary. Open bottle, insert draw tube into opening, secure cap. Teejet 8004 spray nozzle is recommended.
回复: 华人地毯清洗的误区地毯保护液好处FeaturesKeep your home cleaner, fresher, brighter ... longer:• Helps protect against both oil and water based stains• Helps carpet fibers resist soiling• Helps spills blot up before they become stains• Helps stains release more easily when carpet and upholstery is cleaned• Helps carpet and upholstery stay cleaner longer• Effective against fruit drinks, soft drinks and frozen fruit treats
回复: 华人地毯清洗的误区清洗地毯時幫我們加入這保護劑吧,當然,另外計費OK的啦View larger imageScotchgard Carpet and Fabric ProtectorCODE: 3MSCOTCHGARDWeight: 8.00 lbsPrice: $57.00Quantity:Our quantity discounts:Quantity 4+ Price $54.15 Add to wish listDescriptionSpecsDocumentsReviewsAsk a QuestionFeaturesKeep your home cleaner, fresher, brighter ... longer:• Helps protect against both oil and water based stains• Helps carpet fibers resist soiling• Helps spills blot up before they become stains• Helps stains release more easily when carpet and upholstery is cleaned• Helps carpet and upholstery stay cleaner longer• Effective against fruit drinks, soft drinks and frozen fruit treatsImproves vacuuming:Vacuuming is actually more effective with Scotchgard™ Protector. Dirt is more easily picked-up, and fewer passes are required with the vacuum.Simplifies spill cleanup:Scotchgard™ Protector helps keep spills from becoming hard-to-remove spots or stains. It repels liquids, so spills can be blotted up quickly and easily.Professional application:The best time to apply Scotchgard™ Protector is right after cleaning; your professional applicator can do it for you. Regular vacuuming and prompt cleanup of spills will help maintain the bright, freshly cleaned look or a long time.Additional InformationManufacturer 3M-ScotchgardApplication / Use Carpet and Upholstery Teflon Fabric Protector: Please consult application booklet included in every case for more detailed information.Dilution(s)Electric or Hand Pump Sprayers Add 32 ounces per gallon of warm water and shake or mix thoroughly. (1 part concentrate into 4 parts water)Auto Dilution Spray Systems (Injector Sprayers) No predilution necessary. Open bottle, insert draw tube into opening, secure cap. Teejet 8004 spray nozzle is recommended.点击展开...
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回复: 华人地毯清洗的误区换地板彻底解决点击展开...很难,大部分还是要保持卧室里的地毯
回复: 华人地毯清洗的误区没有地毯保护液的保护,地毯的寿命大大缩短
回复: 华人地毯清洗的误区很少人使用,很多时候靠推销,客户会反感
回复: 华人地毯清洗的误区多长时间清洗一次地毯比较好?
回复: 华人地毯清洗的误区多长时间清洗一次地毯比较好?点击展开...一年2次最佳,1年必须至少洗一次
回复: 华人地毯清洗的误区很多客户感觉地毯很干净,有的2年不洗
回复: 华人地毯清洗的误区在下以为把地毯统统换成地板不就结了
回复: 华人地毯清洗的误区清洗羊毛地毯和化纤地毯是不是不一样?
回复: 华人地毯清洗的误区学习下
三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]清洗羊毛地毯和化纤地毯是不是不一样?点击展开...清洗羊毛地毯和化纤地毯完全不同药水不一样,羊毛使用的药水是ph=7的中性药水,有洗羊毛标志。清洗时候不能使用高温高压,洗后必须很快干透。建议使用羊毛专用保护液,延长羊毛地毯使用寿命
回复: 华人地毯清洗的误区清洗羊毛地毯和化纤地毯完全不同药水不一样,羊毛使用的药水是ph=7的中性药水,有洗羊毛标志。清洗时候不能使用高温高压,洗后必须很快干透。建议使用羊毛专用保护液,延长羊毛地毯使用寿命点击展开...谢谢了, 等洗的时候找你啦。现在是一块化纤地毯,两块羊毛地毯。
回复: 华人地毯清洗的误区请问什么季节洗地毯好?如果洗地毯,房间那么多家具要全部搬开吗?谢谢!
回复: 华人地毯清洗的误区在下以为把地毯统统换成地板不就结了点击展开...卧室不应该换
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