加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息三名枪手向新奥尔良母亲节游行队伍开枪伤17人


枪手逃跑 NEW ORLEANS—Gunmen opened fire on dozens of people marching in a Mother’s Day second-line parade in New Orleans on Sunday, wounding at least 17 people, police said. Police spokeswoman Remi Braden said in an email that many of the 17 victims were grazed and most of the wounds weren’t life-threatening. No deaths were reported.Police Superintendent Ronal Serpas told reporters that a 10-year-old girl was grazed in the shooting around 2 p.m. She was in good condition. He said three or four people were in surgery, but he didn’t have their conditions. Officers were interspersed with the marchers, which is routine for such events. As many as 400 people joined in the procession that stretched for about 3 blocks, though only half that many were in the immediate vicinity of the shooting, Serpas said. Police saw three suspects running from the scene in the city’s 7th Ward neighborhood. No arrests had been made as of late afternoon. </DIV></DIV>Second-line parades are loose processions in which people dance down the street, often following behind a brass band. They can be impromptu or planned and are sometimes described as moving block parties. A social club called The Original Big 7 organized Sunday’s event. The group was founded in 1996 at the Saint Bernard housing projects, according to its MySpace page. The neighborhood where the shooting happened was a mix of low-income and middle-class row houses, some boarded up. As of last year, the neighborhood’s population was about 60 percent of its pre-Hurricane Katrina level.Police vowed to make swift arrests. “We’ll get them. We have good resources in this neighborhood,” Serpas said.点击展开...

移民科幻小说《种秧帝国崛起之后》弘扬主旋律传播正能量的饥饿游戏版《红旗颂》回复: 三名枪手向新奥尔良母亲节游行队伍开枪伤17人没人关心这鸡毛蒜皮的,除非把地点或者枪手国籍变更一下

回复: 三名枪手向新奥尔良母亲节游行队伍开枪伤17人伤十七个人还算鸡毛蒜皮?新奥尔良也很出名的,今年还有个superbowl的什么盛事在那里举行。我对这个地点很关心,因为那里的美食,曾一度想前往旅游,不过现在美国的治安真是让人怕怕,少去为妙。

回复: 三名枪手向新奥尔良母亲节游行队伍开枪伤17人果然不出俺所尿

回复: 三名枪手向新奥尔良母亲节游行队伍开枪伤17人有一部根据古龙武侠小说改编的电影《边城浪子》,里面有段对话挺油墨的

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