加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息The Power Of Nice
Re-posted from hereThe Power Of Nice – Kindness As A Leadership TraitBy Andy RobinsonI recently re-read one of my favorite “quick read” books – The Power of Nice – How to Conquer the Business World with Kindness, written by the team of Linda Kaplan Thaler and Robin Koval. This book reminds us that “nice” companies have lower employee turnover, lower recruitment costs and higher productivity. Nice people live longer, are healthier, and make more money. What a great leadership trait! The book identifies the following six “Power of Nice” Principles:1. Positive Impressions Are Like SeedsEvery time you smile at a messenger, laugh at a co-worker’s joke, thank an assistant, or treat a total stranger with graciousness and respect, you throw off a positive energy wave that rolls out endlessly in all directions.2. You Never KnowYou really never know who the next person you’re nice to knows or how they ultimately may connect back to you in some way. It is therefore important to treat EVERYONE nicely. Simply make it a habit not to discriminate when it comes to being nice to others.3. People ChangePeople change, grow, and take on new roles. None of us know who MIGHT become quite important to us five, ten, or twenty years from now. Again, the simple message is to treat everyone with kindness – the bank teller, the grocery store check-out clerk, the young waiter who is paying his way through school to become a doctor.4. Nice Must Be AutomaticIt important to become skilled in the art of being nice – being nice must become a habit – something that is “second nature” to you. Small gestures and random acts of kindness can have an enormous impact.5. Negative Impressions Are Like GermsJust as positive actions are like seeds, rude gestures and remarks are like germs – you may not see the impact they have on you for a while, but they are there, silently infecting you and everyone around you.6. YOU Will KnowEven if you never see a person you have treated with rudeness or bad behavior again, YOU will know. It will be on your mind and heart when you walk into a meeting and try to convince the people in the room they should put their faith in you. Your belief in yourself will be compromised and the negative energy you carry with you will ultimately manifest in some way to your disadvantage.Be the role model for being nice to others. The energy of consistently being nice to others will return to you many times over. That is the POWER of nice.Photo Credit: Shutterstock
天下情怀 赏 反馈:可爱女王 2013-06-19#2 付费矿工 2,440$(0.44$赞力,#20) 80,999 $20.12 $2,440.35 回复: The Power Of Nice先说奈斯, 然后做奈斯.
回复: The Power Of Nice先说奈斯, 然后做奈斯.点击展开...大师所言极是。不过也得分对谁
天下情怀大师所言极是。不过也得分对谁 点击展开...无论对谁, 奈斯了, 体现的是你的品质, 不过, 借钱的时候, 赶紧跑, 比博尔特还快.
回复: The Power Of Nice无论对谁, 奈斯了, 体现的是你的品质, 不过, 借钱的时候, 赶紧跑, 比博尔特还快.点击展开...有时候太奈斯了,别人就想占你便宜。尤其在国内,那么多人,分不清谁好谁坏,哪还敢奈斯啊。不过,在加拿大,还是得学着奈斯点好!
天下情怀有时候太奈斯了,别人就想占你便宜。点击展开...你跑的比博尔特还快, 他怎么占便宜, 他要是开摩托, 你就赶紧上电梯.
回复: The Power Of Nice你跑的比博尔特还快, 他怎么占便宜, 他要是开摩托, 你就赶紧上电梯.点击展开...嗯害人之心不可有,防人之心不可无。
天下情怀回复: The Power Of Nice哇噻,这高度克隆同学最近怎么发帖热情高涨啊,而且都是育人贴,呵呵。
我曾经来过。2011短登记录 - 2012短登记录 - 中登进行时哇噻,这高度克隆同学最近怎么发帖热情高涨啊,而且都是育人贴,呵呵。点击展开...凑巧这两天偷闲,看到有感触的就想到分享下
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