加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息some professions about real estate (I move my topic with the
I want to share some of my thoughts about the jobs relating to the real estate we can see in job market.most of the time, we usually have to do business with a real estate agent, a notary, an inspector of building during our transactions of real estate. behind those sales, there are other people who work in this field: such as a lawyer or an arpenteur-geometre.a notary usually writes the sales deed for you, also he or she is the only qualified person to help you to enter into the hypothec deed.a lawyer usually, in this field, negociates a commerical lease and this can be done by a notary too.I don't want to spend time talking about legal professions or arpenteur-geometre, because you need to have a bachelor degree and meet other qualifications to pratice these careers.here, I want to talk about the inspector of building. as you know, there are so many chinese real estate agents in Montreal, but there are just three or something inspectors. but both of these professions can be finished in less than six months. but why an inspector can earn 70 000 or 80 000 with easiness? the answer is very easy: because there are se few of them.but why people don't know this? because they are ignorant of this, just simple like that.as far as i know, the market still needs at least 20 inspectors, because there is no sens if the balance between the number of real agents and the number of inspectors is so awkwardly kept.this is just my personal thinking. I do not make a lot of research. if this information arouses your interest, please make your own research and, i will definitely not doubt your success, in such a short time.
回复: some professions about real estate (I move my topic with the hope to attract more eyUn immature thought. That's it!
回复: some professions about real estate (I move my topic with the hope to attract more eyif i still remember correctly, ya just trying to immerse yourself in something else like accountant test, and roll it from scratch. so you post this just for sharing or also wanna set yourself on board?
回复: some professions about real estate (I move my topic with the hope to attract more eyUn immature thought. That's it!点击展开... explanations, please. if you just jump to your conclusions without any justification. I ignore it.
回复: some professions about real estate (I move my topic with the hope to attract more eyif i still remember correctly, ya just trying to immerse yourself in something else like accountant test, and roll it from scratch. so you post this just for sharing or also wanna set yourself on board?点击展开... of course, i post this to some people who need this. some people know this but they cannot or decide not to involve themselves in it, for they have a good profession, like me, or like one of my friends who has the same idea. there are other people who know this but they don't speak french, for the only school who offers this program is one of french expression. You seem to memorize the details of my post; i take some accounting courses just to encourage my wife to study with me and study hard, for she is accounting student.
回复: some professions about real estate (I move my topic with the hope to attract more eynow, I want to talk about these professions in terms of their responsibilities.when you buy a house, you talk first to a real property agent. as confirmed in his service contract, his main mission is to help you to find a house you want. if later, you find sth. wrong with your property, for example, latent defects, your real estate agent will have no any responsibility for this.so, you ask your notary about this. the notary will say: look, the sales deed is crystal clear about this point; you have legal gurantee offered by your seller. you need to find a lawyer to sue the seller if you mean it.a notary, of course, has no any responsibility for the latent defects, because his main mission in your transaction, is to guarantee that you have a perfect title on your property. if he fails to do this, you can sue him for all your loses and damages. of course, he is a member of his professional insurance plan. so, a notary has a responsibility of result. that means he must procure the specific result for you: a 100% title.a lawyer, of course, will happily take your case and start all the proceedings against the seller. he tries his best to convince the juge of a maximum compensation for you and against the seller.if he fails to do this, he assumes no responsability, because his responsability is of effort or process. he tries his best, that's all. it's the judge who decides your victory.let's look at the responsibility of your inspector. you can sue your inspector for his loose job? by what?an inspector, like an actuary, is not a member of a professional order governed by the code of professions. that means there is no professional law who can regulate the acts of an inspector. in other words, the specific law does not offer protection for buyers. so we must look for sth. in the general law, our dear CODE civil du Quebec.have you ever concluded a service contract with your inspector? I beg you don't. but anyway, both of you will enter into a legal act by merely accepting his service and from his part, by merely accepting his remuneration. his main mission is to find all the problems of your taget property, because your decision of entering into the final sales deed will be based on his findings ( of course, also on the result of your mortage)generally, your inspector will print you a long report which usually makes you feel uncomfortable about your property: my dream house, why there are so many potential problems like this?by listing all the potential problems, big or small, real or unreal, he shows his seriousness in his work and also by the same way, he protects himself from being sued. in reality, it's impossible to sue him.I know some lawyers who lose everything because of their unprofessional misbehavior. I know some notaries also who refuse to proceed the sales deeds or only write wills for their clients, nothing else, and this, only because the responsibility behind transactions is too huge.so, my friends, perhaps this professin fits you.
回复: some professions about real estate (I move my topic with the hope to attract more eyit's too strange that once you decide to share some information with your country fellows, some other people will not be uncomfortable. very bizarre! perhaps they think you are looking for some profits here. there are also some people who studied sth. or worked on sth, if you ask him about his profession. he starts to speak everything but the thing you want to know. this happened to someone i know. i found this is really chinese and really a lot of immigrants spend some early days in looking for information about careers or training programs. why not share what you know or simply what you think to help these people? people from ROMANIA or from Africa do a better job than we do. I still find this reservation too chinese.as you know, there are a lot of choices regarding career perspectives. but a lot of people rush to computer science and accounting programs without second thought. they pass two or three years only to find out that they work like a slave and with a slice of others' salary.next time, if i have time, i want write sth. about doctors: the first choice of chinese parents for their children.
回复: some professions about real estate (I move my topic with the hope to attract more eygood carry on, i'm waitin' for your medicine one
回复: some professions about real estate (I move my topic with the hope to attract more ey这里有一点误区。一笔房产的成交,房产经纪平均能拿一万左右,可验房师只能拿五百左右。在一定成交量下,这个市场可以养活的经纪会比验房师多得多,这就是为什么做验房师的人数比做经纪的人数少得多的原因。不能看着验房师人数少就以为这个市场一定很有潜力。
回复: some professions about real estate (I move my topic with the hope to attract more ey其实验房师拿的已经不少了,如果你把收入和付出作比较。一个读7年的公证律师也最多拿1000块。相信一些老移民都有这样的经历,蒙城的华人验房师他们都用过,根本就没得选择。从所花费的时间来看,一个房产中介拿1万正常。
回复: some professions about real estate (I move my topic with the hope to attract more ey另外一点,年薪在7,8万的职业很多,但在6个月内完成的绝对不多。而且这7,8万有可能是纯收入呵。房产中介则已包和,因为有不少人在转行。
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