加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Back to work from Maternity Leave
Was a tough morning though, difficult to get up and wake up my girl. She cried...Hard to drive in the heavy raining...Say hello to everyone...800 unread mails which is actually better than I imagined...Will see how it goes
回复: Back to work from Maternity Leave如此时节返工,真是难能可贵,赞扬加鼓励。
回复: Back to work from Maternity LeaveWas a tough morning though, difficult to get up and wake up my girl. She cried...Hard to drive in the heavy raining...Say hello to everyone...800 unread mails which is actually better than I imagined...Will see how it goes点击展开...O boy, i had more than 2000 unread emails when i returned to work after parental leave, it took me 2 days to read and delete.
回复: Back to work from Maternity LeaveBusy busy busy every day! I need a break....
回复: Back to work from Maternity LeaveHave a super relaxing weekend! Guys. me too
·中文新闻 从送货司机到首席执行官:Don Meij 在达美乐结束 40 多年的职业生
·中文新闻 丽贝卡·瓦尔迪在社交媒体上发表大胆声明,在科琳·鲁尼签署《