加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请教: 蒙城卖的笔记本电脑, 键盘布局是什么样的
是普通的英文(Qwerty)键盘, 还是法文(azerty)键盘呢?
回复: 请教: 蒙城卖的笔记本电脑, 键盘布局是什么样的?这个估计看型号吧,这边也有讲英语的,我的笔记本就没有法语,单独的台式机键盘我见过是法语的
悔改吧!主的日子近了是普通的英文(Qwerty)键盘, 还是法文(azerty)键盘呢?点击展开...即使是法语的,也是QWERT的,没有法语法语键盘。加拿大法语键盘与英语键盘有一点不一样。
回复: 请教: 蒙城卖的笔记本电脑, 键盘布局是什么样的?Canadian French (Quebec) This keyboard layout is commonly used in Canada by French-speaking Canadians. It is the most popular layout for laptops and stand-alone keyboards targeting French speakers. Although not as versatile as the Canadian Multilingual Standard keyboard, it can be used to type all accented French characters. It also serves all English functions as well. It remains popular mainly because of its close similarity to the basic US keyboard commonly used by English-speaking Canadians. In general, Canadians do not use the AZERTY keyboard layout, which is used in France and other francophone countries. Another keyboard layout available in Quebec is ACNOR, similar to the CMS.
回复: 请教: 蒙城卖的笔记本电脑, 键盘布局是什么样的?直接用软件键盘布局
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