加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息is it true?


I have an apartment located in east of montreal for rent, and I put ads on website, yesterday I got an email from somebody who is intersted in this apartment. but I don't know if this client is a real one or not, I am afraid of being cheated. so i will post his email here and would like to listening to your opnion. thanks Thanks for your response and here is a brief introduction about my self.I am a Pharmacist by profession and I am currently working with the Woodstock Pharmacy, Woodstock,United States. I will be relocating to Canada for the next one year and during my stay i will be working for the United States Implants & orthopedic Agency on a private research work. I hereby reaffirm my interest about renting your apartment and will be willing to offer you one month rent for a start, plus the security deposit in order to secure the unit prior to our arrival to Canada.I have a financier based in the States and he will be the one handling the rent and deposit payment on our behalf,i will instruct him to send you a bank Check in payment for the rent as soon as you give me the go ahead to send payment to you. I'll be coming with my wife and daughter.Due to the limited time that we have before our arrival and in line with my work schedule ,we are making arrangements with a furniture company to supply the home with furnitures ,so we will need you to provide us with the accurate measurements of the living room and bedroom so that we can send it to the furniture company and they supply the unit with furniture that would fit in well... i would really appreciaite it if you could send me some pictures of the living room and the bed rooms.As regards the lease agreement form,you can have it forwarded to me for review.though i will have it filled and signed on our arrival to your place becuase i am of the opinion that such vital document is best filled and signed physically. We can start the lease by the start of April and it shall be for a period of 12 months. You can prepare the lease in my name and that of my wife (Dr.David & Mary Berger)Let me know how to move ahead as I intend to complete this deal before I move in a couple of days. I want all the arrangement to be solidified so I settle in comfortably when I arrive. I will let you know the exact date as soon as I get a booking on a flight to Canada.I will look forward to your e mail with the required information.Here is my phone number....xxxxxxx Thanks and sincere regards from me and my precious family. I await your urgent response.Dr David

回复: is it true?please forgive me that i couldn't write chinses here.

回复: is it true?It's hard to say it's real intention or not, but at least this guy seems to be not a very easy guy. Better try another one.

回复: is it true?这个十有八九是假的。我们出租房子的时候,也碰到过差不多的事情,对 方说是英国relocate过来的,也是说可以先给钱,而且从雇主方打钱过来。我们依惯例让他填表进行credit check,他就消失了。你不论是租房子给谁,credit check是必不可少的。我们登出广告后看房子的人络绎不绝,有的还很push,说另一个房东同意租给他了,但他更喜欢我们的房子,要求我们第二天就给他答复。但我们的原则是,不管什么人,都要进行credit check。另外要留下reference,就是你说你在哪儿工作,那么留下雇主的电话。

回复: is it true?这个十有八九是假的。我们出租房子的时候,也碰到过差不多的事情,对 方说是英国relocate过来的,也是说可以先给钱,而且从雇主方打钱过来。我们依惯例让他填表进行credit check,他就消失了。 你不论是租房子给谁,credit check是必不可少的。我们登出广告后看房子的人络绎不绝,有的还很push,说另一个房东同意租给他了,但他更喜欢我们的房子,要求我们第二天就给他答复。 但我们的原则是,不管什么人,都要进行credit check。另外要留下reference,就是你说你在哪儿工作,那么留下雇主的电话。点击展开...how to do credit check?

回复: is it true?It's hard to say it's real intention or not, but at least this guy seems to be not a very easy guy. Better try another one.点击展开...can you tell me why this guy seems to be not a very easy guy?

回复: is it true?can you tell me why this guy seems to be not a very easy guy?点击展开...My personal guess only. He talks a little bit too much even as a potential customers at very beginning. What if when there is a real dispute later on, you should think it over that you do really have enough time and energy get around with this guy? Another suspicious thing is he offers deposit money so actively, which is rare from a tenant's view. As already suggested by others, go credit check for this guy, if you want to have this guy in. Or, find somebody else also with credit check.

回复: is it true?发不了中文就去英文论坛上发...

回复: is it true?发不了中文就去英文论坛上发...点击展开...where is it?

回复: is it true?where is it?点击展开...kijiji

Eat well, don't smoke, and a fuck was equal to a five-mile walk-----Elizabeth Jane Howard回复: is it true?this is a scam for sure. if i am a tenant, i won't think about giving you any money deposit before you ask me to do so. it's very easy to find a house or apartment here in Canada if you really need to rent one.

Eat well, don't smoke, and a fuck was equal to a five-mile walk-----Elizabeth Jane Howardthis is a scam for sure. if i am a tenant, i won't think about giving you any money deposit before you ask me to do so. it's very easy to find a house or apartment here in Canada if you really need to rent one.点击展开...对,不符合常理。而且类似的租房骗局几年前论坛就有人碰到过,也是说从哪个哪个地方RELOCATE过来的,也是说先付钱,然后问要银行账户打款,后来扯上空头支票LZ还得自掏腰包填补之类的,大概是这个意思,具体我也不记得了。

终于......对,不符合常理。而且类似的租房骗局几年前论坛就有人碰到过,也是说从哪个哪个地方RELOCATE过来的,也是说先付钱,然后问要银行账户打款,后来扯上空头支票LZ还得自掏腰包填补之类的,大概是这个意思,具体我也不记得了。点击展开...人家没有要你的银行信息啊。人家是做好了BANK CHEQUE寄给你。BANK CHEQUE 也叫 MONEY ORDER ,那是银行出的钱。LZ不放心,可以要他授权,调查他from他的雇主和他的现任房东。都是发信,对方回复是会承担法律责任的。

回复: is it true?thanks for all answers of you guys. this is his another email: In response to the rent and deposit required to be paid in order to secure the rental of your home prior to our arrival to Canada,i would be needing some information from you to be forwarded to my financier so as to make payment to you as soon as possible..i will have the informations forwarded to my financier stating an instruction of payment to you. further more i need you to reconfirm the total move in costs,that is;the rent and deposit to be paid and if there are any other additional bills to be payed do not fail to notify me so that all payment can be sent to you at once.You can have your information in which payment can be sent to you by my financier in this form * Home/office address...........* Payee name to be written on the check......* Current cell phone/ office phone number...... Due regards from me and my family,we are loooking forward to meeting you. what do you guys think about it? by the way, i asked to have a credit check in another email, but he didn't metion it at all

回复: is it true?人家没有要你的银行信息啊。人家是做好了BANK CHEQUE寄给你。BANK CHEQUE 也叫 MONEY ORDER ,那是银行出的钱。LZ不放心,可以要他授权,调查他from他的雇主和他的现任房东。都是发信,对方回复是会承担法律责任的。点击展开...我不记得具体是怎样操作的,就是涉及到支票,最后就没好果子吃。不信走着瞧。

终于......回复: is it true?what do you guys think about it? by the way, i asked to have a credit check in another email, but he didn't metion it at all-----再逼一逼他,要重点,大家等着看骗子结局呢

终于......what do you guys think about it? by the way, i asked to have a credit check in another email, but he didn't metion it at all-----再逼一逼他,要重点,大家等着看骗子结局呢点击展开...how? tell me how to get more information?

回复: is it true?how? tell me how to get more information?点击展开...你不是说他只字不提那个什么吗,push push 他给你

终于......what do you guys think about it? by the way, i asked to have a credit check in another email, but he didn't metion it at all-----再逼一逼他,要重点,大家等着看骗子结局呢点击展开...how? how to get more information ?

回复: is it true?你不是说他只字不提那个什么吗,push push 他给你点击展开...but he told me it is his finacier to pay the check.

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