加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息登陆定居 - ZT-------Sears sucks


ZT-------Sears sucks Google “Sears sucks” and you will see more than a million internet denizens agree with me. Add Melissa of Shakesville to the list. She bought an oven that stopped working because of a faulty part. Of course the part failed shortly after the warranty expired. As did many other similar parts, according to the repair guy. Two of my Sears sucks stories: Went to get some keys cut. None of the keys worked. The Sears employee suggested I must not be using them correctly. Because I come from a non-key culture, apparently. After some verbal sparring, he said he would re-cut them. Um, no. As I made it clear from the get-go, I wanted my money back. Bought an expensive item from Sears and had it delivered. When the delivery person was bringing it off the truck, I saw that it was a cheaper model and told him to take it back. He refused. I called Sears and the representative told me they reserve the right to substitute an equal or lower-value product for the same price. Whuh? Thirty minutes on the telephone with various customer service people, none of whom could understand why I thought it wasn’t a good idea to charge the higher price but send the lower-priced item. When I asked why I should accept this, one of the reps said, “It is part of our customer service.” Seriously. Sears sucks. I don’t shop Sears or its affiliates any more.

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