加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请问蒙特利尔atwater地铁附近去杜多机场怎么坐车



回复: 请问蒙特利尔atwater地铁附近去杜多机场怎么坐车?出租35块钱够吗?谢谢!不够。中国人20-25$/车

回复: 请问蒙特利尔atwater地铁附近去杜多机场怎么坐车?出租35块钱够吗?谢谢!请问有机场大巴之类的服务吗?谢谢!

回复: 请问蒙特利尔atwater地铁附近去杜多机场怎么坐车?出租35块钱够吗?谢谢!downtown可以坐747直达机场。机场大巴在BERRI-UQUAM。

回复: 请问蒙特利尔atwater地铁附近去杜多机场怎么坐车?出租35块钱够吗?谢谢!谢谢楼上两位!!

回复: 请问蒙特利尔atwater地铁附近去杜多机场怎么坐车?出租35块钱够吗?谢谢!Lionel-Groulx地铁站出来坐747机场专线可到~在地铁站里售票的地方买那个7刀的票~告诉他们你准备坐747到机场~这个票相当于天票24小时~市内的车和地铁从第一次打卡起24小时内都可以用~

回复: 请问蒙特利尔atwater地铁附近去杜多机场怎么坐车?出租35块钱够吗?谢谢!downtown可以坐747直达机场。机场大巴在BERRI-UQUAM。点击展开...如果家在atwater附近的话~lionel groulx站更近一点儿~呵呵~不过去berri-uquam也一样~那边好像是市内的起点站~

回复: 请问蒙特利尔atwater地铁附近去杜多机场怎么坐车?出租35块钱够吗?谢谢!去STM的网站上下747路的路线图,在市中心有很多站都停的,不一定非要到berri-uqam

回复: 请问蒙特利尔atwater地铁附近去杜多机场怎么坐车?出租35块钱够吗?谢谢!747现在8刀了,车上买的话只能用硬币,前两天特意在STM网站上看过的,但是月票、一日和三日通票都能坐。

回复: 请问蒙特利尔atwater地铁附近去杜多机场怎么坐车?出租35块钱够吗?谢谢!打车是38元,一般就是给40元,按车算钱,在门上有计价

回复: 请问蒙特利尔atwater地铁附近去杜多机场怎么坐车?出租35块钱够吗?谢谢!没必要去berri-uqam 在lionel-groux地铁站也有机场大巴的站 而且之后直接走freeway去机场 berri上的话市中心要停好多点 费时间

西葡那些事儿 (2011)意大利中北部之旅 (2009)美东四城记(波、纽、华、费)(2010)墨西哥城都市游 (2012)邮轮入门级-巴哈马 (2016)回复: 请问蒙特利尔atwater地铁附近去杜多机场怎么坐车?出租35块钱够吗?谢谢!坐一站地铁到或者坐108路公交车到LIONEL-GROULX,然后坐747直接到机场。很方便

回复: 请问蒙特利尔atwater地铁附近去杜多机场怎么坐车?出租35块钱http://montreal.about.com/od/gettingaroundtown/a/montreal_airport_bus_747_express.htmMontreal Airport Bus 747 ExpressMontreal Airport Bus FAQs AnsweredBy Evelyn Reid, About.com GuideSee More About:montreal public transitmontreal public bikesbixi bikesmontreal taxisNot sure if you're at a Montreal airport bus stop? Look for this logo.Montreal Airport Bus 747 Express: In BriefRun by the STM, Montreal's public transit corporation, the 747 Express Bus route launching March 29, 2010 was set in place to accommodate a growing need for affordable transportation between downtown Montreal and the Montreal Trudeau Airport (formerly known as Dorval Airport).Where Do I Catch the Montreal Airport Bus?It depends on what direction you're heading. These are the stops from downtown Montreal's Central Bus Station heading to Trudeau Airport, from east to west:DEPARTURE: Montreal's Central Bus Station (i.e., Centre d'Autocars de Montréal) beside Berri-UQAM Metro Station: corner of Berri & De Maisonneuveon René-Lévesque, corner of St. Laurenton René-Lévesque, corner of de Bleuryon René-Lévesque, corner of Mansfieldon René-Lévesque, corner of Peelon René-Lévesque, corner of de la Montagneon René-Lévesque, corner of BishopLionel-Groulx Metro StationARRIVAL: Montréal-Trudeau AirportThese are the stops from Trudeau Airport heading to the downtown terminus, from west to east:DEPARTURE: Montréal-Trudeau AirportLionel-Groulx Metro Stationcorner of Guy and René-Lévesqueon René-Lévesque, corner of Drummondon René-Lévesque, Peelon René-Lévesque, corner of Mansfieldon René-Lévesque, corner of Jeanne-Manceon René-Lévesque, corner of St. LaurentARRIVAL: Berri-UQAM Metro Station, corner of Berri & De MaisonneuveHere's the map of the 747 Express Route detailing the above bus stops. Note that the 747 will also stop at various hotels and tourist attractions in addition to these stops.When Can I Catch the Montreal Airport BusEn route 365 days a year and 24 hours a day including late at night, the 747 runs every 20 minutes during rush hour, every 30 minutes during the rest of the day and every hour between 2 a.m and 5 a.m. Here's a link to the 747 Express Bus schedule.How Long is the Bus Ride?Though it can take as little as 20 minutes outside of rush hour or during light traffic, expect the 747 Express to take up to 45 minutes from the Berri-UQAM bus station to Montreal-Trudeau Airport & vice versa.How Much Does it Cost?One bus ride on the 747 costs $8 (was $7 in 2010), which yes, sounds steep. But compared to a cab ride that could set you back $40, it's a steal. And this $8 includes unlimited access to Montreal's transit system for a 24-hour period. But if you already have one of these fare programs on your OPUS card, then you can board the 747 at no extra charge:monthly passweekly passone-day pass (no OPUS card req'd; recommended for tourists)three-day pass (no OPUS card req'd; recommended for tourists)monthly TRAM pass (1 to 8)Where do I pay?You can buy a pass in advance at the Trudeau Airport International Arrivals level or pay in exact change in the bus (no dollar bills accepted). You can also buy passes at any Montreal Metro station, the tourist centers at Dorchester Square and in Old Montreal as well as at Montreal's Central Bus Station (i.e., Centre d'Autocars de Montréal).I'm Montreal resident. Can I use the 747 Express Bus like any other city bus?Yes, you can. One of the reasons this bus line was launched in the first place was to allow airport employees an easy, affordable way to get to work. As long as you pay the $8 per use charge OR show your monthly, weekly, one-day or three-day transit pass, you can take the 747.

回复: 请问蒙特利尔atwater地铁附近去杜多机场怎么坐车?出租35块钱现在已经9$了

西葡那些事儿 (2011)意大利中北部之旅 (2009)美东四城记(波、纽、华、费)(2010)墨西哥城都市游 (2012)邮轮入门级-巴哈马 (2016)回复: 请问蒙特利尔atwater地铁附近去杜多机场怎么坐车?出租35块钱行李不多,747最方便,通宵服务。打车含小费,40刀。

11.10.27 Montréal 13.3.27 niveau désiré atteint.Day0:长灯惊险通关记:+3m我的法语学习方法-单词篇+17m:17个月,我强化法语学习阶段结束了+20m,ma carrière,c'est bien parti.回复: 请问蒙特利尔atwater地铁附近去杜多机场怎么坐车?出租35块钱住西岛的朋友有福啦,204、209都直达机场门口,线路和时刻自己上stm查吧

747现在8刀了,车上买的话只能用硬币,前两天特意在STM网站上看过的,但是月票、一日和三日通票都能坐。点击展开... 那麻烦问下 月票是直接做吗?需要在额外交9元钱吗?

回复: 请问蒙特利尔atwater地铁那麻烦问下 月票是直接做吗?需要在额外交9元钱吗?点击展开...直接坐,不需要额外的钱

  ·生活百科 我被骗了,对吗? (水管工/热水器。)
·生活百科 地板隔热层



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