加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息1 year contract Job: Business Analyst, BMO montreal DT, 55-6


Hi, this is a job opportunity I received this morning, if you are qualified and interested, please contact directly the agent, PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE ME ANY MESSAGES, thanks and good luck!the salary wage is between 55 to 65 dollars/hour. LOB: Shared Services - Back Office Operations Support, Reconciliation & ControlProject: GEM (Global Exception Management)This group is responsible for providing back office support on an organizational level between all lines of product and Finance.The group is currently working on a multiyear project which its purpose is to build a new Metric Reporting tool.We are looking for a seasoned Business Analyst to assist in the data mining, data analytics and data reporting aspect of this project.Required Experience & Skills:• 6+ years of experience as a Business Analyst• 5+ years of experience with data warehousing, data mining//mapping• 5+ years of back office operations experience (preferably within the banking or financial sector)• 3+ years of experience with BI tools such as Tibco Spotfire, Cognos or similar• Strong understanding of the Trading Process• Experience in a lead role (Lead BA role) or presents strong leadership skillsMust Have Business Analysis Soft Skills:• Strong Analytical skills• Outstanding Interpersonal and Communications skills• Outstanding command of the English language both verbal and written• Professional Demeanor• Can work easily within a team setting or independently• Strong work ethics• Strong sense of urgency• Adaptable and flexible personality• Open to occasional travel to Ontario and U.S (maybe twice a year)• Ability to quickly learn organizational structure, business strategies and processes.• Knowledgeable on business process modeling, process mapping.• Capable of writing clear and well structured business requirements documents.• Contributes to the development of detailed level process maps to facilitate requirements gathering, gap analysis and for training use.• Strong facilitation and presentation skills.• Extensive experience working with the business groups to gather requirements• Strong analysis and analytical skills• Strong written documentation skills• Identifying business needs and appropriate solutionSkills Matrix:Business Analystexperience with data warehousing, data mining//mappingback office operations experience (preferably within the banking or financial sector)experience with BI tools such as Tibco Spotfire, Cognos or similarStrong understanding of the Trading ProcessExperience in a lead role (Lead BA role) or presents strong leadership skills• Outstanding command of the English language both verbal and writtenFrenchNotice to start: ___Notice to interview: ___BMO experience: ___Thanks,Faizel ViraniRecruiterTekStaff IT Solutions Inc.( 416.438.1099 ext. 3079 | 2 1.866.496.9031

不折腾不舒服斯基,人生就是不能留遗憾,结果重要,参与更重要。 2014-07-28#2 E 137 $0.00 符合这种经历的人能看上这份短工吗?


我们本是良民,上进之路被尔等堵死,还被贪官盘剥衣食不全,只得乞食外邦,今你骂我是汉奸,我却看你是国贼。 2014-07-29#4 ecko宝宝 176 $0.00 谢谢热心分享

一个年仅20多岁的年轻女孩,怀着对未来无限美好的憧憬,来到加拿大,开始我的新生活~❤告诉你们一个秘密:我有一只装满了梦想的行囊❤目前进度:努力好好学习,天天向上中。 2014-07-29#5 M 451 $0.00 Faizel ViraniRecruiterTekStaff IT Solutions Inc.又是这公司,没完没了打电话,邮箱都被炸了,很烦人的。幸亏新反垃圾邮件法下月出了,能少一点垃圾邮件。


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