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The myth of authoritarian coronavirus supremacy

China wants you believe its political system stopped coronavirus. That’s a lie.www.vox.comwww.vox.comChina wants you believe its political system stopped coronavirus. That’s a lie.Zack Beauchamp@[email protected] Mar 26, 2020, 11:50am EDT1585246522148.pngA lot of people seem to think that there’s a simple cure for the coronavirus: authoritarianism.Article after article in the Western press has touted the superiority of China’s response to the West’s, using its draconian lockdown after the Wuhan outbreak to suggest that liberal democracies simply aren’t up to the harsh tasks of preventing disease spread. It’s a message that Chinese government propaganda has been only too happy to echo.But the unanimous verdict of political scientists and public health scholars I spoke with is that the theory of authoritarian superiority in this crisis is wrong: There is no evidence that one type of political system has performed systematically better against Covid-19 than the other. China’s response, while eventually good, was criminally slow early on — as was Iran’s, another notably authoritarian regime. Meanwhile, democracies like South Korea and Taiwan had some of the best responses anywhere on the planet.“Among all the factors, [regime type is] going to be at the bottom of the list,” says Joshua Michaud, an associate director for global health policy at the Kaiser Family Foundation. “You can have very poor public health practices in an authoritarian system or a democratic system.”The myth of authoritarian superiority is not only wrong but actively harmful in two key respects.First, it lets China off the hook for a botched early response to the coronavirus — one that likely led to the disease becoming a global pandemic in the first place. It turns what should be a damning indictment of certain aspects of the Chinese system into an ideological victory for Beijing.Second, it gives cover to leaders of allegedly democratic states to claim dangerous emergency powers during the crisis. This is happening right now in both Hungary and Israel, where authoritarian-inclined leaders are using the outbreak as a pretense to seize powers undreamed of in normal times. The myth of authoritarian superiority could well grant unnecessary legitimacy to these dangerous moves — and thus needs to be challenged.“The challenge here is seeing so many people saying authoritarianism works in these cases, when it’s so clearly not authoritarianism that makes a difference. And that’s actually a dangerous argument to make,” says Sofia Fenner, a political scientist at Bryn Mawr who has studied authoritarian-versus-democratic responses to the crisis.Some of the best performers in coronavirus are democracies — and some of the worst are authoritarian states


Success is getting what you want; Happiness is wanting what you get. 大师这么多关心疫情,是不是因为魁省独占鳌头,迫在眉睫的缘故?望大师放松心情。点击展开...赶赶时髦而已


Lufluf 说:据我多年观察,国外对中国的报道大体上是不准确的,他们的固有思维理解不了挂着羊头卖着号称是狗肉的猪肉的中国政权和社会点击展开...这篇是VOX的, 可能有倾向性,高端点的, 很多不错的报道, 比如CBS的60 minutes, the economist, time magazine, 我以前订阅过, 感觉都不错,我觉得西人有厉害的, Ezra Vogel, 写邓小平传的, 基辛格, 写了一本on china, friedman 写世界是平的,对中国的观察, 我感到佩服, 相反, 中国的中国专家, 张维为, 刘晓波, 胡鞍钢, 刘宾雁, 我觉得都差点,我可能有点崇洋心态, 呵呵

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