The Calgary Health Region has confirmed a case of hepatitis A in a food handler at a local restaurant. This case involves a food handler who was assisting in meal preparation at the Wildwood Grill and Brewing Company, located at 2417 - 4th Street S.W. The Region is working collaboratively with the restaurant during this investigation.Patrons who ate food at this Calgary restaurant and pub from April 30 to May 13 inclusive may have been exposed to hepatitis A. These individuals are urged to immediately contact Health Link at (403) 943-LINK (943-5465) if they are not already immune to hepatitis A. Individuals who have had hepatitis A infection in the past or who have been vaccinated against hepatitis A with two doses of vaccine are not at risk of infection.This food handler may have contracted the disease while traveling abroad recently.Hepatitis A is an infection of the liver caused by a virus. It is common in many parts of the developing world. It is spread directly from person to person primarily through the fecal-oral route by direct contact with an infected person or indirectly by ingestion of contaminated food or water. It is possible for people who prepare food to spread the disease if they are infected with the virus and don't wash their hands properly after using the washroom. Illness can occur within 15 to 50 days after exposure to the virus, but usually within 28 to 30 days. Individuals can be infectious one to two weeks before symptoms occur until at least one week after the onset of illness.Symptoms of hepatitis A may include: tiredness; poor appetite; nausea and vomiting; abdominal pain and fever; followed by dark-coloured urine; light-coloured stools; and yellowing of eyes and skin several days later. Some people, especially young children, may get hepatitis A infection without noticing any symptoms but they are still infectious to others.There is no specific treatment for hepatitis A. However, it can be prevented with the use of hepatitis A vaccine. It is also important to wash hands well with soap and water before preparing or consuming foods.The Calgary Health Region will be holding several hepatitis A vaccination clinics beginning this evening, Tuesday, May 15, 2007, from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. at its Centre 15 offices, located at 1509 Centre Street S for anyone who was potentially exposed at the Wildwood Grill and Brewing Company. Additional clinic hours will be offered through this Saturday. More information concerning locations and times is available through Health Link. Patrons are strongly encouraged to call Health Link prior to attending a clinic.For more information, on this and other Calgary Health Region news, please refer to our website atwww.calgaryhealthregion.caFor more information, on this and other Calgary Health Region news, please refer to our website atwww.calgaryhealthregion.caMedia are encouraged to attend an availability this afternoon with Dr. Judy MacDonald, Deputy Medical Officer of Health, to learn more about the disease, its symptoms and how it can be prevented.Where: Calgary Health RegionSouthport Offices ? Media Room10101 Southport Road S.W.When: 2:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.Contact information:James FinstadCommunicationsCalgary Health Region(403) 943-1296
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