加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息两封来自加移民部的电子信件引发的思考……
上周五,收到下面移民部发来的一封电子邮件,是关于在海外的已被批准的永久居民在疫情期间的登陆要求。俺费点力把它整理出来在论坛发个贴告之,就是考虑到有关信息对家里有被批准的永久居民但仍然身处海外的应该有一些参考价值。邮件大意是说:如果是3月18日以前批准了永久居民身份的,可以继续来加拿大登陆;如果是3月18日以后才批准永久居民身份的,因新冠隔离原因就暂时不要来加拿大了。还有一条说明是如果永久居民签证过期以前不能登陆加拿大的,可以用 webform跟移民部说明情况,移民部工作人员会另行处理等等……想参阅电子信件原件如下:(为节省篇幅稍有删节)Important information for approved permanent residence applicants currently outside CanadaThis email is for you if:you are outside of Canadayour application for permanent residence (PR) was approved andyou have a confirmation of permanent residence (CoPR)Congratulations again on having been selected to immigrate to Canada. We look forward to welcoming you. Unfortunately, the response to the global pandemic is forcing travel restrictions and delays in plans for many. We want to ensure you are aware of restrictions in place in Canada at this time.On March 20, 2020, the Government of Canada provided updates on exemptions to travel restrictions in place to stop the spread of COVID-19 and protect the health and safety of Canadians.Find out if the travel restrictions apply to you:If your PR application was approved before or on March 18, 2020, you are allowed to travel to Canada. Please read about the public health measures below. If circumstances allow, we encourage you to continue to make plans to land in Canada in 2020.If your PR application was approved after March 18, 2020, you should not make any plans to travel to Canada until travel restrictions are lifted. You will not be allowed into Canada at this time.Use the issuance date on your CoPR to determine if you were approved before, on, or after March 18, 2020. If possible, we encourage you and your accompanying family members to arrive in Canada at the same time..If your CoPR expires before you are able to travel to Canada:If you have not already done so, please contact us using the webform to let us know if you are not able to travel to Canada before your document expires. If you have already done this, we have the information and you don’t need to submit another.You may not get an immediate response to your enquiry indicating the next steps, but we are reviewing all enquiries. IRCC is working hard to determine the next steps for clients in this situation. We’re not sure yet when updates or instructions on this will become available, but we will make sure that they are communicated as soon as next steps are decided on.Please also continue to regularly check on our COVID-19 webpage for updates.Thank you for your patience during these exceptional circumstances.Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada因为我父母的移民签证这个月底就要到期了,我周末也赶紧用 webform跟移民部发文说明目前的实际情况,说我父母年纪大了,如果坐飞机来加拿大会有很高风险等等,所以在4月份把机票给取消了,但还是计划在今年底前登陆…… 考虑到加拿大移民部一贯的慢节奏的办事效率,也不期望一周或两周内得到回复,心想只要在签证到期前给我一个明确答复就阿弥陀佛了。没想到的是,今天下午移民部就给我回信了,原信如下:Thank you for contacting Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).This is in reference to your application for permanent residence in Canada.We have received your request to extend the duration within which you can confirm your status as a permanent resident. Please be assured that your application will not be refused if you are unable or unwilling to travel as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.If the situation is resolved and you are able to travel within the existing validity of your documents, you may do so. Otherwise, once you and your family members (if applicable) are able to travel, please notify us through the IRCC Webform. At that time, we will provide you with further instructions.We invite to visit our website to get the most up-to-date information on how the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is affecting immigration, refugees, citizenship and passport services:https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/coronavirus-covid19.htmlSincerely,Migration Section | Section de MigrationConsulate General of Canada in Hong Kong and Macao | Consulat général du Canada à Hong Kong et MacaoGovernment of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada考虑可能有少部分网友不爱看英文,把主要内容简单翻译一下,如下:我们已收到您的关于要求延长您的永久居民身份的期限。请放心,如果您因COVID-19大流行而无法或不愿旅行,您的永久居民申请不会被拒绝。如果到时情况得到解决,并且您能够在文件的现有有效期内旅行,您可以继续来加旅行。否则,一旦您和您的家人(如果适用)能够旅行时,请通过IRCC Webform通知我们。届时,我们将为您提供进一步的处理说明。考虑到目前疫情还是挺严重的,政府部门也应该没有恢复到正常工作状态,按以前的印象加拿大移民部的办事效率也不太高,没想到这一次的回复这么快,这个工作效率算很可以了,一时间有点感动发个小感概。尽管少数网友有时候会恨铁不成钢或别的原因骂加拿大是“苦寒之地”“加麻大”等等,但是不可否认的是,加拿大政府对待自己的国民/永久居民还是很人性化的。即使是像我父母这样没登陆过的准移民,也没有因可能“千里带毒”而被拒之加国门外,在疫情期间即使不合适登陆导致签证过期,政府还是回复会灵活处理。对比前段时间驻俄张大使对部分俄罗斯留学生和华侨的痛批话语“有些中国人闯关回到国内,实际上是把病毒带到了国内”,“这个要在道义上是要受到谴责”。张大使的此番言论跟加拿大移民部的回信一对比,相信大家心里都有点X数吧?其实,虽然都是一个护照小本子,里面包含的价值观还是很不一样的。但不管是红本本,还是蓝本本,或者是绿本本,在关键/危急时刻能给你提供帮助保护的才是好本本吧?
觉人之伪,不形之于色;吃人之亏,不动之于口;施人之恩,不发之于言;受人之惠,不忘之于心。 超赞 赏 反馈:Azchen, dave, pavo 和 57 其他人 20.21 家园小千 2$(VIP 0,#357) 47,7012020-05-08#2 移民部对雅哥效率很高啊,可我的PR续卡3月初就寄出了,也确认收到了,就是没有任何消息。
Sharing is caring - Without people sharing info, forum would not exist and no one would benefit from it. Don't be selfish. 超赞 赏 反馈:hao_xd, 5168898, 徽州女人 和 5 其他人 0.91 G gzhou8888 2$(VIP 0,#333) 6112020-05-08#4 不如再对比一下,加拿大政府和总理不止一次的反复强调,it's time for you to come home,政府补贴机票,电信公司免除手机长途漫游收费,哪个国家把自己的人民当人,哪个国家把自己的国民当?, 不对,是韭菜,很清楚吧
家园小千 说:替在俄罗斯无法回家的中国人感到难过点击展开...其实真不是故意想黑哪个国家,因为生活中很多事情也不是简单粗暴对比一下就看到本质的,国情不同采取的措施也相应有不同,就如一个硬币也有两面,老共对自家国民确实是hard一些,有些措施在西方国家可能也实行不了,但是它也是最早把大规模爆发的疫情控制住的几个国家之一。。。
觉人之伪,不形之于色;吃人之亏,不动之于口;施人之恩,不发之于言;受人之惠,不忘之于心。 超赞 赏 反馈:bbjj, alexw32, cryi7667 和另外1个人 0.03 慢 慢慢来 0$(VIP 0) 7922020-05-08#8 赞信息分享。我岳父岳母的PR申请今年年2月DM2后音信皆无。体检9月过期,估计要等疫情结束后重新体检了。
别着急,一切都要慢慢来....Anyway, more haste, less speed. 超赞 赏 asania 4$(VIP 0,#214) 2,0102020-05-08#9 感觉加拿大移民部还是有逻辑思维的。
慢慢来 说:赞信息分享。我岳父岳母的PR申请今年年2月DM2后音信皆无。体检9月过期,估计要等疫情结束后重新体检了。点击展开...也不一定需要重新体检, try to using the webform to let them know......
觉人之伪,不形之于色;吃人之亏,不动之于口;施人之恩,不发之于言;受人之惠,不忘之于心。 超赞 赏 反馈:asania 0.07 骆驼客厨子 -4$(VIP 4) 14,9532020-05-08#13 虽早早点了赞,但还是应该恭喜周雅与父母团聚成功!
觉人之伪,不形之于色;吃人之亏,不动之于口;施人之恩,不发之于言;受人之惠,不忘之于心。老哥看文不仔细,还是各种原因拖着没登陆呢点击展开...一般哥们的长贴,尤其英文多的,怕露怯!直接点赞,回头没贴看了,再重新仔细看。有时候,在做饭,也是先赞完,再看 ?
是朋友、多来往;不是朋友、少见面。出来玩,开心最重要!别的,一切都是浮云!一般哥们的长贴,尤其英文多的,怕露怯!直接点赞,回头没贴看了,再重新仔细看。有时候,在做饭,也是先赞完,再看 ?点击展开...那是,防疫观察员肯定是日理万机了。。。啊?为什么不是厨师长了?恭喜高升 ✌ ?
觉人之伪,不形之于色;吃人之亏,不动之于口;施人之恩,不发之于言;受人之惠,不忘之于心。上周五,收到下面移民部发来的一封电子邮件,是关于在海外的已被批准的永久居民在疫情期间的登陆要求。俺费点力把它整理出来在论坛发个贴告之,就是考虑到有关信息对家里有被批准的永久居民但仍然身处海外的应该有一些参考价值。邮件大意是说:如果是3月18日以前批准了永久居民身份的,可以继续来加拿大登陆;如果是3月18日以后才批准永久居民身份的,因新冠隔离原因就暂时不要来加拿大了。还有一条说明是如果永久居民签证过期以前不能登陆加拿大的,可以用 webform跟移民部说明情况,移民部工作人员会另行处理等等……想参阅电子信件原件如下:(为节省篇幅稍有删节)Important information for approved permanent residence applicants currently outside CanadaThis email is for you if:you are outside of Canadayour application for permanent residence (PR) was approved andyou have a confirmation of permanent residence (CoPR)Congratulations again on having been selected to immigrate to Canada. We look forward to welcoming you. Unfortunately, the response to the global pandemic is forcing travel restrictions and delays in plans for many. We want to ensure you are aware of restrictions in place in Canada at this time.On March 20, 2020, the Government of Canada provided updates on exemptions to travel restrictions in place to stop the spread of COVID-19 and protect the health and safety of Canadians.Find out if the travel restrictions apply to you:If your PR application was approved before or on March 18, 2020, you are allowed to travel to Canada. Please read about the public health measures below. If circumstances allow, we encourage you to continue to make plans to land in Canada in 2020.If your PR application was approved after March 18, 2020, you should not make any plans to travel to Canada until travel restrictions are lifted. You will not be allowed into Canada at this time.Use the issuance date on your CoPR to determine if you were approved before, on, or after March 18, 2020. If possible, we encourage you and your accompanying family members to arrive in Canada at the same time..If your CoPR expires before you are able to travel to Canada:If you have not already done so, please contact us using the webform to let us know if you are not able to travel to Canada before your document expires. If you have already done this, we have the information and you don’t need to submit another.You may not get an immediate response to your enquiry indicating the next steps, but we are reviewing all enquiries. IRCC is working hard to determine the next steps for clients in this situation. We’re not sure yet when updates or instructions on this will become available, but we will make sure that they are communicated as soon as next steps are decided on.Please also continue to regularly check on our COVID-19 webpage for updates.Thank you for your patience during these exceptional circumstances.Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada因为我父母的移民签证这个月底就要到期了,我周末也赶紧用 webform跟移民部发文说明目前的实际情况,说我父母年纪大了,如果坐飞机来加拿大会有很高风险等等,所以在4月份把机票给取消了,但还是计划在今年底前登陆…… 考虑到加拿大移民部一贯的慢节奏的办事效率,也不期望一周或两周内得到回复,心想只要在签证到期前给我一个明确答复就阿弥陀佛了。没想到的是,今天下午移民部就给我回信了,原信如下:Thank you for contacting Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).This is in reference to your application for permanent residence in Canada.We have received your request to extend the duration within which you can confirm your status as a permanent resident. Please be assured that your application will not be refused if you are unable or unwilling to travel as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.If the situation is resolved and you are able to travel within the existing validity of your documents, you may do so. Otherwise, once you and your family members (if applicable) are able to travel, please notify us through the IRCC Webform. At that time, we will provide you with further instructions.We invite to visit our website to get the most up-to-date information on how the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is affecting immigration, refugees, citizenship and passport services:How the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is affecting immigration, refugees, citizenship and passport services - Canada.caSpecial measures to help temporary and permanent residents and applicants affected by the novel coronaviruswww.canada.caSincerely,Migration Section | Section de MigrationConsulate General of Canada in Hong Kong and Macao | Consulat général du Canada à Hong Kong et MacaoGovernment of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada考虑可能有少部分网友不爱看英文,把主要内容简单翻译一下,如下:我们已收到您的关于要求延长您的永久居民身份的期限。请放心,如果您因COVID-19大流行而无法或不愿旅行,您的永久居民申请不会被拒绝。如果到时情况得到解决,并且您能够在文件的现有有效期内旅行,您可以继续来加旅行。否则,一旦您和您的家人(如果适用)能够旅行时,请通过IRCC Webform通知我们。届时,我们将为您提供进一步的处理说明。考虑到目前疫情还是挺严重的,政府部门也应该没有恢复到正常工作状态,按以前的印象加拿大移民部的办事效率也不太高,没想到这一次的回复这么快,这个工作效率算很可以了,一时间有点感动发个小感概。尽管少数网友有时候会恨铁不成钢或别的原因骂加拿大是“苦寒之地”“加麻大”等等,但是不可否认的是,加拿大政府对待自己的国民/永久居民还是很人性化的。即使是像我父母这样没登陆过的准移民,也没有因可能“千里带毒”而被拒之加国门外,在疫情期间即使不合适登陆导致签证过期,政府还是回复会灵活处理。对比前段时间驻俄张大使对部分俄罗斯留学生和华侨的痛批话语“有些中国人闯关回到国内,实际上是把病毒带到了国内”,“这个要在道义上是要受到谴责”。张大使的此番言论跟加拿大移民部的回信一对比,相信大家心里都有点X数吧?其实,虽然都是一个护照小本子,里面包含的价值观还是很不一样的。但不管是红本本,还是蓝本本,或者是绿本本,在关键/危急时刻能给你提供帮助保护的才是好本本吧?点击展开...原来周指导过年是回国接父母去了,唉,这也算是疫情的受害者了,不然现在祖孙已经在温哥华团聚了。当初12月份订机票让父母自己飞过来就好了,差一步,多了好多事。另外,邮件可能是机器人回复的,也不用太惊喜,自古套路得人心,多一些套路,可以多一些好评。
周雅 说:那是,防疫观察员肯定是日理万机了。。。啊?为什么不是厨师长了?恭喜高升 ✌ ?点击展开...?哈哈哈,大多这不疫病恐怖嘛!孩子就给分封个观察员,要协助督察员做好我家的防疫工作。你还别说,就冲大多这不断刷新的记录,提高自身防疫工作还是很需要的。
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