收到一信用证,有些条款不是很理解,望高手相助,谢谢!1,beneficiary's manually signed original commercial invoices made out in the name of applicant and in the currency of credit in octuplicate certifying merchandise to be of china origin. (受益人正本商业发票。。。。。后面的不理解)
2,full set of cleran shipped on board ocean bills of lading(comprising not less than therr originals) drawn or endorsed to the order of habib bank…….showing freight prepaid and marked notify applicant and habib……..(清洁的海运提单《正本不得少于3份》显示freight prepaid,收货人to the order of habib bank…….并背书,通知人applicant and habib……..)
3, packing list.
4, beneficiary’s certificate with original documents that copy of packing list and invoice have been enclosed with the consignment.(受益人证明,正本的箱单和发票付本已经随货还是什么?)
5,copies of shipment advices to the insurance company and applicant as per field 47a clause no.1
Continue from field 78++++
We shall arrange remittance of the proceeds to you on receipt of documents complying with the terms of this credit confirming that the draft amount has been endorsed on this letter of credit. (我们将安排你的款项汇款收到单据符合信用证条款,并确认了汇票金额背书人在此信用证。)
A discrepancy fee of usd :82.00 or equivalent plus usd :34.00 or equivalent being cost of each swift will be deducted from the proceeds for each set of discrepant documents presented notwithstanding any instructions to the contrary,these charges shall be for the beneficiary’s account.(受益人承担不符点费用一个82美金)
1,insurance covered by applicant. All shipments under this credit must be advised by the beneficiary on the same day of shipment direct to m/s. adamjee insurance co. ltd. 6th floor adamjee house i.i.chundrigarr road karachi pakistan fax no. 0092-20-32451211 and to applicant referring to cover note number cn-1211-211001-m03-004521 giving full detall of shipment(s). copies of such shipment advices must accompany documents.(保险由申请人负责,后面的看不懂)
2,invioces exceeding this credit amount not acceptable.(不接受发票金额超过信用证金额)
3,all documents must indicate this documentary credit number.(所有的文件显示信用证号)
4,goods are importable under the following h.s.codes and importer n.t.n. which should appear on invoices.
h.s.code number 87082939
importer n. t. n. 3349167(是指以上的号码全部显示在发票上?)
5,documents must be presented for negotiation for full invoice value of shipment.(议付单据必须为发票全部装运货物的金额)
6,all drafts under this credit must be marked drawn under habib bank limited credit number ilc123456 must accompany the documents.(信用证下所有的汇票上必须注明habib bank limited这个银行的信用证号,是这样理解吗?)
7,Short form/blank back bill of lading /non-negotiable sea way bill not acceptable.(空白背书提单不可转让不可接受?不太理解)
8,House/forwarders bill of lading not allowed.(不接受代理单)
9,in field 41d to read as “by negotiation” instead of “by payment”(41D是支款条款)
10,standard seaworthy packing required.(标准的海运包装)
1,beneficiary's manually signed original commercial invoices made out in the name of applicant and in the currency of credit in octuplicate certifying merchandise to be of china origin.受益人手签正本商业发票一式九份,作成申请人抬头,以信用证币种计价,证实货物为中国原产。
1,insurance covered by applicant. All shipments under this credit must be advised by the beneficiary on the same day of shipment direct to m/s. adamjee insurance co. ltd. 6th floor adamjee house i.i.chundrigarr road karachi pakistan fax no. 0092-20-32451211 and to applicant referring to cover note number cn-1211-211001-m03-004521 giving full detall of shipment(s). copies of such shipment advices must accompany documents.(保险由申请人负责,信用证项下所有装运应由受益人在装运日当天直接通知m/s. adamjee insurance co. ltd.公司(地址 6th floor adamjee house i.i.chundrigarr road karachi pakistan fax no. 0092-20-32451211)及申请人并指明预约保单号码cn-1211-211001-m03-004521 ,提供装运货物详情,该通知的复印件做为单据一同提交。
1,beneficiary's manually signed original commercial invoices made out in the name of applicant and in the currency of credit in octuplicate certifying merchandise to be of china origin. (受益人正本商业发票。。。。。后面的不理解)
2,full set of cleran shipped on board ocean bills of lading(comprising not less than therr originals) drawn or endorsed to the order of habib bank…….showing freight prepaid and marked notify applicant and habib……..(清洁的海运提单《正本不得少于3份》显示freight prepaid,收货人to the order of habib bank…….并背书,通知人applicant and habib……..)
全套清洁已装船海运提单,不少于三份正本,出具成或背书给 to the order of habib bank…….,显示运费预付,通知方为:1. 开证申请人 2. habib…….。
4, beneficiary’s certificate with original documents that copy of packing list and invoice have been enclosed with the consignment.
5,copies of shipment advices to the insurance company and applicant as per field 47a clause no.1
SORRY,octuplicate,一式八份。:) 太多了,不常见。
We shall arrange remittance of the proceeds to you on receipt of documents complying with the terms of this credit confirming that the draft amount has been endorsed on this letter of credit.
A discrepancy fee of usd :82.00 or equivalent plus usd :34.00 or equivalent being cost of each swift will be deducted from the proceeds for each set of discrepant documents presented notwithstanding any instructions to the contrary,these charges shall be for the beneficiary’s account.
1,insurance covered by applicant. All shipments under this credit must be advised by the beneficiary on the same day of shipment direct to m/s. adamjee insurance co. ltd. 6th floor adamjee house i.i.chundrigarr road karachi pakistan fax no. 0092-20-32451211 and to applicant referring to cover note number cn-1211-211001-m03-004521 giving full detall of shipment(s). copies of such shipment advices must accompany documents.
保险由开证申请人负责。此LC下的所有装运细节必须由受益人在装运日当天直接发给m/s. adamjee insurance co. ltd. 6th floor adamjee house i.i.chundrigarr road karachi pakistan 和开证申请人,装船通知上显示暂保单号码以及完整的装运细节。需提交该装船通知副本,随附其他单据一起提交。
4,goods are importable under the following h.s.codes and importer n.t.n. which should appear on invoices.
h.s.code number 87082939
importer n. t. n. 3349167
发票上必须显示:goods are importable under the following h.s.codes and importer n.t.n.
h.s.code number 87082939
importer n. t. n. 3349167
5,documents must be presented for negotiation for full invoice value of shipment.
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