In the event that we are required to send one or more communications to a presenting bank,a cable charge of USD 20 (or equivalent) will also apply (this ree covers any number of messages sent).
In the event of discrepancies being identified in the documents the following discrepancy fee will also apply and be deducted from proceeds:
If beneficiary presents documents directly to us – USD 60 (or equivalent) ,or
If beneficiary presents documents via another bank – USD 80 (or equivalent).
These discrepancy charges are for account of the beneficiary.
Where documents are presented by the beneficiary,directly to us,the charges detailed herein together with any advising fee the may be due to the nominated advising bank (if applicable ) are the only charges that will be deducted,by us, from the proceeds.there will be no additional charges for the beneficiary if documents are presented directly to us.Presentation of documents to us through another bank may incur further cost to the beneficiary.Notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary in this instrument or transaction (the transaction) ,it is a term and condition of this transaction
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