Bill of loading signed by an agent on behalf of the relevant carrier will be acceptable only if issued on the official form of the named carrier.这个是什么意思?没太弄明白
Additions,corrections,erasures,amendments must be duly stamped and initialled by the party/authority issuing the document in question.
A charge of USD100(or its counter value)plus related swift costs will be deducted from payment of discrepant documents. Notwithstanding any other instructions,this charge will be for the account of the beneficiary regardless of whether advice of refusal had been sent.
In case of non-utilization of the L/C or non-payment of your company and charges,UCP 600 article 37C paragraph 2 is not applicable. 这个条款有问题吗
[ 本帖最后由 ashurjin 于 2012-1-31 13:12 编辑 ]
Bill of loading signed by an agent on behalf of the relevant carrier will be acceptable only if issued on the official form of the named carrier.
Additions,corrections,erasures,amendments must be duly stamped and initialled by the party/authority issuing the document in question.
A charge of USD100(or its counter value)plus related swift costs will be deducted from payment of discrepant documents. Notwithstanding any other instructions,this charge will be for the account of the beneficiary regardless of whether advice of refusal had been sent.
In case of non-utilization of the L/C or non-payment of your company and charges,UCP 600 article 37C paragraph 2 is not applicable.
如果未支用此LC金额或者你们公司未付清费用,则UCP600 37C第二段规定将不被适用。
UCP600 37C第二段规定:
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