• Description of goods including: import licence or pro‐forma details; price; terms of delivery andshipment; and any no‐charge goods or samples agree with, are worded and spelt exactly as set out
in the credit.
‐ You only need enough detail for basic identification, no more
‐ If goods are described as being, "...in accordance with pro forma invoice number ...
dated..." this can reduce superfluous, error‐producing detail
‐ Prices should be in the same currency as the credit
• Clauses or statements must be copied word for word and identically spelt
• Use of any foreign language must be specified
• Totals of all invoices must agree with the amount of the drawing. Value not more than the credit
permits and the same as any bill of exchange – under certain conditions you may be able to
underdraw by up to 5%
• The invoice heading must contain your company's name and address expressed and spelt exactly
as in the credit
• The invoice must be made out in name of Applicant, expressed and spelt exactly as in the credit
• If a combined invoice and certificate of origin is called for, the certificate of origin is duly
completed and signed
• If invoices have to be visaed, this has been done by the authority stipulated in the credit. The
time lag between forwarding documents to a consulate and their return
• If both an invoice and a packing list are called for, no "combined invoice and packing list" should
be offered. An appropriately detailed extra invoice may often satisfy the packing list need, if
suitably headed
• Pro forma invoice numbers or reference numbers required by the credit are shown
• Where they are required to be signed, certified or legalised, precise instructions should be given
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