full se of original clean shipped on board ocean bill(s) of
lading drawn or endorsed to the order of janata bank ltd.
foreign exch.corp.branch
showing gross and net weight freight prepaid and marked notify
openers and giving us full name and address.
shipment under this credit must be advised by beneficiary
direct of sonar insurance limited
quoting their cover note no.sbi/moti/mc-172/03/2011
dated 23.03.2011,giving full details of shipment a copy of
advice must accompany with each set of shipping agency/
chamber of commerce approved authority/organization of the
exporting country required.
weight and measurement list required in duplicate.
beneficiary's certificate of this effect that all terms and
conditions of the credit have been complied with.
47a:1.L/C authorisation form no.a15666 and irc no.d2555 and
tub bynver 148-109-2552/co-45 to be apperared on the
all inovices.
one set of no-negotiable shipping documents to be couriered
to opener within (seven) days after shipment and a confirmation
to this effect to accompany with the shipping documents.
third party.short form and blank backed bills of lading
no acceptable
documents must not be dated earlier than date of opening of
this credit
advising,confirmation and other foreign charges will be on
account of the benegicary whether l/c utilized or not
documentary credit (2007 revision) icc publication no.600
this is operative instrument and no mail confirmation will
discrepant shipping documents must not be negotiated wihout
our prior approval
invoice should mention the credit unmber,proforma invoice
number with date and individual item of merchandise with
l/c no.0094110100** date 12.08.2010 to be appeared on
the all invoices
pre-shipment inspection for quantity,quantity.,quality,descripition
classification and price should be carried out by bureau
veritas (bivac) international s.a. the final invoice and
packing list must be endorsed by the inspection company
with the number and date of the issuance of crf
name and address of the importer along with their tin number
145-514-5214/co-52 to be printed/written by undeletable ink
cerificate in this regard must be accompanied with the
original shipping documents
inspection date must be prior to b/l date
satisfactory credit report of the beneficiary issued by the
negotiating bank must accompany with the original shipping
within 15 days from the date
of shipment
six copies of invoice with briginal set of documents to be
sent us by registered airmail/courier service and two
[ 本帖最后由 nichetang 于 2012-2-27 15:10 编辑 ]
full se of original clean shipped on board ocean bill(s) of
lading drawn or endorsed to the order of janata bank ltd.
foreign exch.corp.branch
showing gross and net weight freight prepaid and marked notify
openers and giving us full name and address.
全套正本清洁已装船海运提单,出具成或背书成:to the order of janata bank ltd.
foreign exch.corp.branch,显示毛重、净重以及运费预付,通知方栏显示开证申请人和开证行(显示完整名称和地址)。
shipment under this credit must be advised by beneficiary
direct of sonar insurance limited
quoting their cover note no.sbi/moti/mc-172/03/2011
dated 23.03.2011,giving full details of shipment a copy of
advice must accompany with each set of shipping agency/
chamber of commerce approved authority/organization of the
exporting country required.
each set of shipping agency/
chamber of commerce approved authority/organization of the
exporting country required.
此LC下的装运信息必须由受益人直接通知给sonar insurance limited,注明它们的暂保单信息以及完整的装运细节。
该装船通知副本必须随附SHIPPING DOCUMENTS装运单据一起提交。
weight and measurement list required in duplicate.
beneficiary's certificate of this effect that all terms and
conditions of the credit have been complied with.
47a:1.L/C authorisation form no.a15666 and irc no.d2555 and
tub bynver 148-109-2552/co-45 to be apperared on the
all inovices.
在所有发票上显示L/C authorisation form no.a15666 and irc no.d2555 and
tub bynver 148-109-2552/co-45。
one set of no-negotiable shipping documents to be couriered
to opener within (seven) days after shipment and a confirmation
to this effect to accompany with the shipping documents.
third party.short form and blank backed bills of lading
no acceptable
documents must not be dated earlier than date of opening of
this credit
advising,confirmation and other foreign charges will be on
account of the benegicary whether l/c utilized or not
documentary credit (2007 revision) icc publication no.600
this is operative instrument and no mail confirmation will
discrepant shipping documents must not be negotiated wihout
our prior approval
牛啊!:handshake :handshake
invoice should mention the credit unmber,proforma invoice
number with date and individual item of merchandise with
l/c no.0094110100** date 12.08.2010 to be appeared on
the all invoices
发票上应显示此LC号码,形式发票号码、日期以及每个产品的价格,l/c no.0094110100** date 12.08.2010 要显示在所有发票上。
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