

客户货款要求分4批支付(如下已做翻译);但是合约中又说“Documents presented for each payment must be in order. Partial drawings are not allowed. 对于每一笔款项,必须按顺序交单,不允许分期付款。”这不是自相矛盾吗?

The Buyer shall pay the Seller the total Contract value via Telegraphic Bank Transfer(TTR) based on the following payment scheme:
· Down payment: Ten percent (10%) of total Contract value shall be paid to the Seller within fifteen  (15)  days from the date the Buyer’s receipt of a Performance Bond equivalent to ten percent (10%)  of the Contract value as stipulated in Article 7.1 provided that the Contract has been signed and stamped by both parties. 预付款:合同双方签字盖章后,买方自收到合同第7.1款所约定货物价值10%相当的履约保证书后的15日内,支付10%的预付款。
· Second payment: Twenty percent (20%) of the total Contract value shall be paid within fifteen (15) days since the date of Handover Certificate signed and stamped by both parties provided that all equipment under this Contract have been delivered.第二笔款:待合同项下货物都已发货,自买卖双方都已签字盖章货物移交证明起的15日内,买方将会再支付20%的货款。
· Third  payment: 30% (thirty percent) of the total contract value shall be paid within fifteen (15) first  days of the ninth month since the date of Handover Certificate against the Final Acceptance Certificate (FAC) signed by both parties and subject to the presentation of a Warranty Bond of five percent (5%) total Contract value from the Seller as stipulated in Article 7.2. 第三笔款:买方自签署货物移交证明书的第九个月并需买卖双方签署最终验收证书起的15日内,且需要卖方按照第7.2款之规定出示货物总价5%的质保函后,支付30%的货款。
· Fourth   payment: Forty percent (40%) of the total Contract value shall be paid within fifteen (15) after the thirteenth month since the date of Handover Certificate provided that the Final Acceptance Certificate (FAC) has been signed and stamped by both parties.第四笔款:买卖双方签署了最终验收证书后,买方自货物移交证明签署13个月后的15内,支付40%的尾款。

[ 本帖最后由 Rogerwolf 于 2012-3-5 18:37 编辑 ]

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