3. TERMS OF PAYMENT3.1. Payment for Goods delivery should be carried out the Buyer in US dollars after statement on the account of the present Contract ins the authorized bodieof Republic Uzbekistan when due hereunder and according to the conditions stated more low:
3.1.1. The buyer will pay 100 % of cost of the contract by means of opening in favor of the Seller of one documentary irrevocable, unconfirmed letter of credit.
3.1.2. Period of validity opened according to item 3.1.1. The letter of credit makes 120 (hundred twenty) calendar day.
Opened according to item 3.1.1. The letter of credit should have instructions on its submission “Uniform customs and practice for documentary credits-2007” (Publication of International Chamber of Commerce №600, France Paris-2007) (“the Unified rules and customs of documentary letters of credit”, the publication of the International Chamber of commerce № 600, France, Paris-2007g.).
3.1.3. All expenses and commission gathering of banks in the country of the Buyer, connected with performance of the present contract, are charged to the Buyer, and all expenses and commission gathering out of the country of the Buyer, connected with performance of the present contract, are charged to the Seller.
3.2. Removal of means from the letter of credit the Seller for the put Goods is made on a presentation in bank of the Seller of following documents:
• the air blank which has been written out addressed to the Consignee, with destination instructions, the name of the Buyer, number and date of signing of the present contract c a mark «the freight is paid» with a stamp of customs service Republic of Uzbekistan about Goods arrival – 2 copies;
• the account the invoice (invoice) of the Seller – the original and a copy;
• the certificate on the Goods origin under form СТ-1 – 2 copies;
Documents should be presented to bank the Seller in period of validity of the letter of credit.
3.3. In the letter of credit reservations should be made:
- The overload is resolved;
- Partial shipment is resolved;
- Prescheduled shipment is resolved;
- Shipment is made from Moscow;
- Documents in Russian are accepted;
3.4. Expenses on change of conditions of the letter of credit are born by the party under which initiative the given change is brought.
3.5. The seller has the right of control of articles and conditions of the letter of credit before its release and definitive registration. In time not later 3 (three) working days before opening of the letter of credit, the Buyer by fax or electronic should send the project of the letter of credit to the Seller for the coordination of their conditions. The letter of credit opens only after reception of acknowledgement of the consent of the Seller with conditions of the project of the letter of credit.
3.1。 货款应进行交付买方声明美元账户后,本合同bodieof乌兹别克斯坦共和国ins授权到期时的条件下,根据描述的更加低:
3.1.1。 买方将支付100%的成本合同通过开放以卖方为受益人的不可撤销的纪录片、未经确认的信用证。
3.1.2二。 有效期限根据申报表3.1.1打开。信用证使120(公里)个日历的一天。
根据申报表3.1.1打开。信用证应该提交指令“跟单信用证统一惯例》- 2007 "(国际商会出版的600年,法国巴黎№- 2007)(“统一的规则和海关文献信用证”,出版的国际商会600年,法国,巴黎№- 2007克)。
3.2。 清除意味着从信用证的卖方将货物在报告的卖方银行以下文件:
•空气空白,已经写了向收货人,目的地指示,买方的名义,号码和日期签署本合同的c标记“运费支付与邮票”的中华人民共和国海关关于货到乌兹别克斯坦- 2份;
该货•证书起源СТ-1 - 2份新形式下;
3.3。 信用证中应保留。
请问 LZ 看神马???目的呢!!
• the air blank which has been written out addressed to the Consignee, with destination instructions, the name of the Buyer, number and date of signing of the present contract c a mark «the freight is paid» with a stamp of customs service Republic of Uzbekistan about Goods arrival – 2 copies;
• the certificate on the Goods origin under form СТ-1 – 2 copies;
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