DAT , DAP 的卸货费用是怎么样的,以买方为例。谢谢[ 本帖最后由 redpopowsr2012 于 2012-3-19 17:50 编辑 ]
卖方负责的,具体参考incoterms 2010
. Terminal handling charges
Under Incoterms rules CPT, CIP, CFR, CIF, DAT, DAP, and DDP, the seller must make arrangements for the carriage of the goods to the agreed destination. While the freight is paid by the seller, it is actually paid for by the buyer as freight costs are normally included by the seller in the total selling price. The carriage costs will sometimes include the costs of handling and moving the goods within port or container terminal facilities and the carrier or terminal operator may well charge these costs to the buyer who receives the goods. In these circumstances, the buyer will want to avoid paying for the same service twice:
INCOTERMS 2010 规定DAT下卖方承担把货物从目的地(港)运输工具卸下的费用,买方不负责卸货费;DAP下卖方只需在指定目的地将货物置于买方的控制下,无需承担卸货费,故DAP下买方负责卸货费。
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