有没有福友做这个的? 有的话到我这拿联系方式.Item #Name:
Laptop Inverter
This Inverter is required for Laptop manufacturing company. They have planned to offer this inverter as a standard accessories along with each laptop.Market - India Specifications are as follows: Capacity: @ 100-150W Peak Power: 200-300W Out Put: 230 V AC Input: 12 V DC ( 10-14.5 V DC) Frequency: 50 Hz. Efficiency: Above 90% Low Battery alarm Auto shut down: 11 V / 10.5 V Over Voltage Protection: 15 V ( Auto cut off above this) Overload Protection: + 10 W of rated capacity Short Circuit Protection: By Circuit breaking Reverse Polarity Protection: By Fuse Expected Dimension: 100 x 75 x 50 mm ( L x W x H) Smallest possible. External appearance: Good looking, Black colour finish. Warranty: 1 Year ( Replacement) Test Mark: Vibration proof, environmental test. Certificate: CE , e4 Mark. Annual Volume: 50k-100k Target FOB price: USD 5-7 per pc Production of a Laptop Inverter (Converters
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