我这里现在收到了埃及客户的信用证,上面有很多附加条款我不是太理解是什么意思,请各位亲们指教我一下。谢谢啦1. Transport documents issued by any parties other than the carrier(freight forwarder or the like),and not signed by the carrier or the master or their agent are not acceptable, consequently article no.(14L)will not apply.
2. 2.Beneficiaries’name must appear on the B/L as the consignor.
3. Payment to beneficiary under reserve or against indemnity(By debiting our account or by drawing on the reimbursing bank or as the method of reimbursing bank or as the method of reimbursement terms may be)before our prior approval,is not acceptable.
4. All docts must bear L/C no.AZ6220/2012
5. Documents must be presented in the currency of L/C
6. Unless otherwise stipulated in the credit,documents are to be issued in the language of the credit.
7. Beneficiaries name,as indicated on the commercial invoice,must appear on the transport documents.
8. Documents and transport documents bearing a date of issuance prior to that of the credit are not acceptable.
9. UCP 600 SUB-article 18(B)is not applicable accordingly,a commercial invoice issued for and amount in excess of the amount will not be permitted by the credit and our bank only have the right to decide acceptance or nonacceptance of the commercial invoice issued for an amount in excess of the amount permitted by the credit and his decision will be binging to the all parts moreover,any alteration and/or correction on the commercial invoice should be authenticated by issuer.
10. If the credit is amended,a signed beneficiaries statement stating the amendments which have been accepted by them must accompany the documents required.
11. UCP600 sub-article 26(C)will not be applicable and accordingly transport documents indicating costs additional to the freight(either by express reference to additional costs or by the use of shipment terms which loading or reloading of goods)are not acceptable
12. Shipment must be effected in container.
13. A discrepancy fee of USD100,-for each set of docts presented with discrepancy plus swift chgs are for the a/c of the benef and will be deducted from the proceeds.
14. All discrepant documents presented under this L/C will be refused and held at the disposal of the remitting bank however, we may refer the discrepancies to the applicant and in case od acceptance of same, we will deliver documents without seeking your appoval.
15. In case docs presented and payment effected after expiry date, we will deduct .3pct fm docs value plus message chgs,
16. Under the insurance documents institute war cancellation clause or clause of similar intent are forbidden in additions the insurance documents must not contain any exclusion of risk nor any restriction clause.
17. Article 37c not applicable
18. The insurance document indicates that cover is subject to franchise or an excess(deductible)not acceptable(article 28J not apply)
19. Short form or blank back transport documents not acceptable
20. All documents should be sent to us bank societe arabe international de banque azhr branch-egypt in two lots first by DHL and the second by registered airmal
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