各位达人,我收到的信用证附加条款有这么一项,大家帮我看下有无问题影响交单。谢了!we are prohibited from effecting any payments to any entity or person to whom payment is prohibited pursuant to sanctions issued or implemented by any relevant regulatory authority. as such,regardless of documentary compliance and prior to effecting any payment.we are obligated to verify all parties under this credit and reserve the right to not honour a presentation that is not in compliance with any applicable legal sanctions or anti-terrorism and anti-money laundering laws and regulations.
没有高手吗? 福布的高手在哪里?
好长的一段话,反正出现了sanctions 肯定是和制裁相关的了,还有反恐,反洗钱,只要不涉及到制裁相关国家,实体或者个人,这条就没关系了,是银行的免责条款
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