

+full set (3/3) orginals clean shipped on soard ocean bill of lading plus 3(three) non negotiable copies(not photocopy).marked freight prepaid made out to order of pt.bank uob buana,bandung rival and notify applicant’s name and address
+marine insurance policy/certificate,endorsed in blank,for 110 pct cif invoice value covering the following risks from warehouse to warehouse war,institute.cargo clauses(a) with claims payable at Jakarta,Indonesia.
+original and triplicate original certificate of origin form e additional cond.  47 a;
+all docs. Must bear the number of lc and h.s.no.
+bill of lading must show:number of packages,container number gross weight. And the complete address of shipping company’s agent in Jakarta, Indonesia including telp and fax numbers.
+beneficiary’s certificate certifying that one original invoice,one original packing list,one non negotiable b/l,and copy of insurance policy have been sent directly to afplicant by dh1.within 5 days from b/l date.the relative courier is to se attached to the said-certificate.
+a discrepancy fee of usd75.00 will be deducted from proceeds for each set of documente presented with discrepancies.in the event reimbursement is frovided the negotiating banks is authorized to claim value of documents only after deduction of the discrepancy fee


[ 本帖最后由 一道风景 于 2012-7-17 08:50 编辑 ]

:funk: 希望大家帮帮忙

+full set (3/3) orginals clean shipped on soard ocean bill of lading plus 3(three) non negotiable copies(not photocopy).marked freight prepaid made out to order of pt.bank uob buana,bandung rival and notify applicant’s name and address
全套三份正本 清洁已装船BL+三份不可转让副本(非复印件),标注freight prepaid, consignee: to order of pt.bank uob buana,bandung rival , notify party:申请人名字+地址

+marine insurance policy/certificate,endorsed in blank,for 110 pct cif invoice value covering the following risks from warehouse to warehouse war,institute.cargo clauses(a) with claims payable at Jakarta,Indonesia.
海运保险单 空白背书,投保金额:110%CIF发票值,投保险别: from warehouse to warehouse war,institute.cargo clauses(a),保险赔付地: at Jakarta,Indonesia

+original and triplicate original certificate of origin form e additional cono.
这个不太清楚,是原产地证Form E 一正一副  additional cono 不太清楚

47 a;
+all docs. Must bear the number of lc and h.s.no.  所有单据须显示 LC号和HS编码
+bill of lading must show:number of packages,container number gross weight. And the complete address of shipping company’s agent in Jakarta, Indonesia including telp and fax numbers. 提单上须显示:  包装数,集装箱号,毛重,船公司在Indonesia,Jakarta的代理的详细地址,含电话和传真号。

+beneficiary’s certificate certifying that one original invoice,one original packing list,one non negotiable b/l,and copy of insurance policy have been sent directly to afplicant by dh1.within 5 days from b/l date.the relative courier is to se attached to the said-certificate.

+a discrepancy fee of usd75.00 will be deducted from proceeds for each set of documente presented with discrepancies.in the event reimbursement is frovided the negotiating banks is authorized to claim value of documents only after deduction of the discrepancy fee


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