certificate of moisture in duplicate made out 后面是工厂的名字 然后issured and signed by beneficiary.这个需要提供什么证书?另外增加一条:beneficiary's certificate confirming their acceptance or rejection of the amendments issued under this l/c quoting the relevant amendment number is required for presentation ynder this l/c such certificate is not required if no amendment has been issued under this l/c。这条款是不是修改LC了之后再给受益人证书?如果没有修改,就不用提供?是这样吗?一般什么情况下会改LC?
[ 本帖最后由 fishchai 于 2012-7-26 17:39 编辑 ]
certificate of moisture in duplicate made out 后面是工厂的名字 然后issured and signed by beneficiary.这个需要提供什么证书?
这个是需要以受益人的名义来出一份证明(certificate of moisture ).
另外增加一条:beneficiary's certificate confirming their acceptance or rejection of the amendments issued under this l/c quoting the relevant amendment number is required for presentation ynder this l/c such certificate is not required if no amendment has been issued under this l/c。这条款是不是修改LC了之后再给受益人证书?如果没有修改,就不用提供?是这样吗?一般什么情况下会改LC?
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