各位大虾,麻烦帮忙看看以下是何意思If the payment is over USD 30,000 that will have buyer issue the LC to you however inside the payment term that buyer will indicate that the consigner will be consign to Customer instead of "To order to Bank", meantime the BL will to customers directly but Customer's forwarder will issue you the "Cargo receipt" for the bank payment purpose, please be noted 。
有人解释说付款方式可以有第一种,信用证到银行,50%,第二种,信用证到公司,30%,第三种,TT,小额订单20%。 有点搞不懂。
请大虾们赐教, 谢谢啦, 着急用!
[ 本帖最后由 潜水员 于 2012-9-1 11:53 编辑 ]
有人解释说付款方式可以有第一种,信用证到银行,50%,第二种,信用证到公司,30%,第三种,TT,小额订单20%。 有点搞不懂。
If the payment is over USD 30,000 that will have buyer issue the LC to you however inside the payment term that buyer will indicate that the consigner will be consign to Customer instead of "To order to Bank", meantime the BL will to customers directly but Customer's forwarder will issue you the "Cargo receipt" for the bank payment purpose, please be noted 。
如果金额超过3万美金,将以信用证方式结算(买家开信用证给你们),并且信用证条款会注明,提单的收货人是客户,而不是TO ORDER OF BANK的指示提单。同时,提单要直接给客户,而货代只签给你货代收据,用于银行交单用。
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