“Regarding the credit terms, we have negotiated with our local bank here to give us 120 days credit, but the whole deal has to be done through the LC. It is know as discounted USANCE LC payable at sight. In this type of LC the bank gives us credit for 120 days at 5.5% per annum, where the cost of 5.5% interest rate (or 1.808% on the value of the LC for 120 days) is recovered by the bank from the LC. So when you send us the Proforma Invoice you have to increase the price by 1.808% (that is basically 5.5% interest per annum which is for 365 days and it is to be calculated on 120 days credit period).”
這邊的承兌銀行見票即付, 但是當客人那邊的解款行付款後...
那麼多天的利息... =_= 你們吸收?
還有.. 售價提高代表進口關稅也會提高
[ 本帖最后由 evietpe 于 2012-9-19 23:21 编辑 ]
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