

Specifications Table
630mm from the front
620mm from the back
Powder Paint horny
Must paste the certificate of guarantee for a period not less than two years on the full amount and the name of the manufacturer, date of production and competition
Can not be easily removed。

And prove the stairs simplified by the thickness (5 mm) Around the entire Drawers
Prove with Nip number (12 screws) And a depth suitable for installation slots allocated in Nip
Where not pierce Nip from the top
Screw be of the kind that has no visibility from the rear which does not hinder the movement of the hands of the student to the stairs
(Flat) and the type of hard jaw (hexagonal)
Of pure polystyrene material
Non-hostile manufacturing
High resistance to shocks (HIPS)
Dimensions 620 x 470
The thickness of not less than (5 mm) to the surface and edges
With vertical pillars to strengthen in the form of a network of bottom surface thickness of not less than (3 mm)
Provider sites screws to install at least 12 site A circular base of at least 15 mm in diameter
Not weighing less than 2 kg and color you choose and be rising edge Nip (30 mm) and the same thickness Nip surface. The hand edge of the student be beveled and curved in the section indicated drawing。

Specifications Chair  
Dimensions of the session355 depth 330
session high380 mmHeight models660 mmFinishingPowder Paint hornyPOWER COATINGMust paste the certificate of guarantee for a period not less than two years on the full amount and the name of the manufacturer, date of production and competition。
Holy specifications:
Of metal pipes
Cold drawn
Sector (15 x 15 mm)
Thickness (1.5 mm)
The automated method of bending form and strengthen between the legs from behind the bar to strengthen the same section and legs heeled plastic of the good kind
back session will be a continuous top leaning backward to achieve the deceased sitting
back sessionOne piece of pure polypropylene) Is not recycled) with a single layer coherentThe edges of the cabbage does not scratch easilyCurved shapeFits based on the backControl(Must be at least injecting color at 2.5%)

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