SBLC Financing Agreement
Code: SBLC-110829-A
Party A: (hereafter also known as “Issuing Party”)
註冊地址(Registered Address):
Represented by:Mr.
電話 (Tel.): 傳真 (Fax):
電郵 (E-mail): [email protected].
Party B: (hereafter also known as “Funding Party”)
China XX Investment (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.
註冊地址(Registered Address):。。。。 Hong Kong
Represented by: Mr. XXX (Chairman)
電話 (Tel.):+852 傳真 (Fax):+852
電郵 (E-mail): @yahoo.com.cn
甲、乙雙方經友好協商,現就甲方開出Standby Letter of Credit,向乙方融資事宜達成以下條款:
This agreement is entered into by and between Party A and Party B through friendly consultations. Party A will provide a Standby Letter of Credit to request for financing from Party B. Therefore the two parties signed the agreement with the terms and agreements as follows:
開證要求(融資內容):The Requirements to Issue SBLC (Financing Content)
1. 票據描述: Bank Instrument Description
3. 显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音字典
a) 调幅
Issuer (Company Name):
Bank Instrument: The term of Standby Letter of Credit(SBLC)is One year and One day.
Instrument Format: Must be strictly in accordance with the SBLC format which was provided by Party B’s receiving bank as per Appendix (A).
開證銀行:汇丰 , 香港
Issuing Bank: HSBC, HONG KONG
開證總金額: 美元
Total Issuing Amount:
US dollars (US$ );
開證方式: SWIFT -MT760發送;正本在7天內經由銀行專遞送到乙方指定銀行座標。
Mode of Delivery: SWIFT MT-760 only followed by Hard Copy to be delivered to Party B’s designated bank coordinates via Bank courier within seven (7) banking days.
銀行融資率:為SBLC票面總金額的 90%
Bank Discount Rates: 90% Face Value of SBLC total amount.
佣金 : 2 %
Commission : 1% + 1% for Two Party mandate commission
受益人 :中國工商銀行(亞洲)有限公司
Beneficiary: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Asia) Limited
甲方開證銀行座標資料:Party A’s Issuing Bank Coordinates
1、銀行名稱 (Bank Name) :
2、銀行地址 (Bank Address) :
3、銀行官員 (Bank Officer) :
4、銀行電話 (Bank Telephone) :
5、銀行傳真 (Bank Fax) :
7、開證公司 (Issuer) :
8、公司帳號 (Account No.):
9、融資所得按SBLC面額的75 %匯入如下接款銀行座標:
After discount financing, 75% face value of SBLC shall be remitted to the following bank coordinates to receive the payment:
接款銀行名稱 (Bank Name to receive the payment):
接款銀行地址 (Bank Address to receive the payment):
接款公司名稱 (Company Name to receive the payment):
接款公司帳戶 (Account No. to receive the payment) :
銀行官員 (Bank Officer):
銀行電話 (Bank Telephone):
三、貼現方銀行座標:Discount Financing Party’s Bank Coordinates
Bank Name: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Asia) Limited
Bank Address: 34/F ICBC Tower, 3 Garden Road, Central, Hong Kong
Account Name: China XXInvestment (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.
帳號 (Account No.):
銀行官員(Bank Officer):XX先生 (Mr. XX)
電話(Tel): (852)
Both parties’ actual receiving amount, the share of financing loan and their responsibilities:
甲方: 使用按備用信用證SBLC面值總金額的75%
並負責: 1、必須在備用信用證到期前15天向銀行償還90%的責任。
Party A: To use the 72% face value of SBLC total amount . Party A ensures that Party A will responsibly 90% SBLC full amount to the Financing Bank 15 days before the maturity date of SBLC.
操作程式:Closing Procedures
1、甲、乙雙方在正式簽署本協定時,甲方應提供銀行的開證能力函、甲方簽字人證照、開證公司證照. 董事会决议;乙方應提供接證銀行額度函、接證(MT-760)銀行版本、乙方簽字人證照、接證公司證照. 董事会决议。以上檔將作為本協定不可分割附件(附件“AA”)。甲、乙雙方在香港律師樓見證下正式簽署本協定。(律師見證費由乙方承擔)
Both parties sign this Agreement. Party A provides Bank RWA letter, Signatory Passport, Company Registration Certificate, Certificate of Incorporated of Issuer and Corporate Board Resolution; and Party B provides BCL from its Receiving Bank, MT760 Format provided by the Receiving Bank, Signatory Passport, Company Registration Certificate, Certificate of Incorporated of Receiver and Corporate Board Resolution. All of which shall become an integral and indivisible part of this Agreement (as per Appendix “AA”). In witness of Hong Kong lawyer, both parties signed this Agreement formally. Party B is responsible for the payment of lawyer witness fees.
2、在正式簽署本協議後,乙方正式邀請甲方加簽貼現銀行的出款帳戶並在融資過程中共同管理該帳戶。在5個銀行工作天內,甲方通過開證銀行用SWIFT- MT760開出第一单50M USD的SBLC並按乙方指定的座標發送到貼現銀行。
After the formal signing of this Agreement, Party B will formally invite Party A to co-sign the bank payment account which was arranged by the Discount Financing Bank, and both parties shall co-manage this account during the financing process. Within Five (5) bank working days, Party A shall cause its SBLC Issuing Bank to issue SBLC (the first tranche) in the amount of 50 Million US dollars via SWIFT MT760 to Party B’s Discount Financing Bank designated coordinates.
3、乙方接證(貼現)銀行收到並完成確認SBLC MT760後,立即辦理貼現手續,乙方應在3-5個銀行工作日內取得全部貼現款項,並按本協議條款“四”中所定的比例分額匯入到各受益帳戶。
After receipt and authentication of SBLC via SWIFT 760, Party B’s Receiving Bank (Discount Financing Bank) shall carry on the discount financing immediately. Within Three to Five (3-5) bank working days, Party B shall get all the discounted amount and Party B shall remit the funds to each beneficiary bank account in accordance with the pro rata distribution which was stated in terms No. 4 of this Agreement.
4、 SBLC到期前15天,由甲方負責向乙方銀行償還90%, 否則甲方无异议,同意由貸款銀行向開證銀行无条件100%保兌托收。
Fifteen (15) days before the maturity date of SBLC, Party A shall responsibly return 90% SBLC face value to the Discount Financing Bank. Otherwise Party A agreed that the Discount Financing Bank can be paid in full unconditionally by the Issuing bank before the expiration day.
雙方責任及違約條款:Both parties’ responsibilities and default clauses:
Party A, with legal responsibility under penalty of perjury, ensures that the SBLC is real, legitimate, non-leasing and the SBLC Beneficiary can be paid unconditionally by the Issuing bank before the expiration day. Party A is also responsible for issuing the SBLC via SWIFT MT760 on schedule in accordance with the terms of the Agreement signed by both parties.
Both parties agreed that they will ensure the authenticity of bilateral cooperation and the serious implementation of this Agreement. In the event of a default party can not successfully perform the terms of this Agreement and causes the loss of the other party, the default party is obliging under this contract will subject to the penalty of One (1) percent of total contract amount Fifty (50) Million US dollars, that is Three Hundred Thousand US dollars, to the performing party and consultants without recourse. The penalty will be shared as follows: the performing party - 70% and all consultants - 30%. Both parties confirmed that they will jointly & severally covenant & undertake to ensure that their respective obligations under this Agreement, and all consultants are not necessary to incur any responsibility of the breach of contract, perjury, repayments, penalty, recourse and associated with responsibility.
七. 適用法律:本協議受香港法律和開證銀行所屬國家法律的約束。
Applicable law: This Agreement shall be governed by the relevant laws of Hong Kong SAR and the country of the Issuing Bank.
This Agreement shall come into effect after authorized representatives of both parties signed with their official seals. This Agreement shall be executed in 6 copies, both in Chinese and English which shall be legally binding. Each party shall have one (1) copy, each witness lawyer has one (1) copy and the consultants of each side have one (1) copy with the same legal effect.
九. 甲乙雙方在此確認本協定及一切相關的附件及電子文檔,包括影印、影本和掃描件均與正本檔一樣具同等法律效力。
IN WITNESSES HEREOF the signatories of both parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals:
甲方: 乙方:中國XX投資(香港)有限公司
[ 本帖最后由 11路 于 2012-5-5 14:47 编辑 ]
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