各位做外贸单证的朋友,出口到澳大利亚的包装证明出新版本了,有需要的可以加我的QQ(请注明字样)。The Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) – formerly Australian Quarantine & Inspection Services (AQIS), have released new and updated Packing Declarations, for both shipment specific and Annual Declarations.
These new Packing Declaration forms / templates were released in order to simplify the process.
Changes of significance are as follows:
removal of the FCL / LCL indicator
removal of the Bark Statement
container cleanliness wording change – Annual Packing Declaration Only
[ 本帖最后由 allen03130088 于 2012-10-29 17:01 编辑 ]
The previous format Packing Declarations will still be acceptable by DAFF / AQIS for a short period, however we urge you to pass on these new Packing Declaration forms / templates, to all shippers and packers to ensure they commence using the new format immediately.
Current approved Annual Packing Declarations will remain valid until the time of expiration – thereafter, the new format will be required.
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