

现在收到一个阿尔及利亚信用证,开证行BANQUE AL-BARAKA D ALGERIE。需要改不少地方,下面有些地方不明白,请教各位大虾
46A Document requires
+04 definitive commercial invoice signed and stamped by the beneficiary and specifying the nature of the goods, unit price, total price and payment conditions.
+1/3 original bill of landing clean and shipped on board established to the order applicant and notify applicant marked freight prepaid +01 copy
就给银行交单发票和1/3提单。其中提单收货人还是to the order applicant. 这个必须改, 其中提单要求clean and shipped on board。如果只显示ship on board,会不会产生不符点。
+beneficiary attestation certifying he has transmitted to the applicant by ups the following document
+03 definitive commercial invoice signed and stamped by the beneficiary and specifying the nature of the goods, unit price, total price and payment conditions.
+3/3 original bill of landing clean and shipped on board established to the order of banque al baraka d’Algerie and notify applicant marked freight prepaid +01 copy
+certification of origin deliverd and signed by the chamber of commerce
+certification of quality control
+packing list
+technical sheet
+conformity certificate
其余单据全部寄给客户。这个肯定不能答应了,1/3 original bill of landing给银行,也不可能有3/3 original bill of landing给他了,我想改成这样
+04 definitive commercial invoice signed and stamped by the beneficiary and specifying the nature of the goods, unit price, total price and payment conditions.
+3/3 original bill of landing clean and shipped on board established to the order BANQUE AL-BARAKA D ALGERIE(开证行) and notify applicant marked freight prepaid +01 copy
+certification of origin deliverd and signed by the chamber of commerce
+certification of quality control
+packing list
+technical sheet
+conformity certificate

还有47A 里面
+dispatch of documents should be send in two lots as followes
By UPS, first lot must include document required under fifld 46A to the address of xxx
By dhl send lot must include : one copy commercial invoice and copy of tansport document to xxxx  


就给银行交单发票和1/3提单。其中提单收货人还是to the order applicant. 这个必须改, 其中提单要求clean and shipped on board。如果只显示ship on board,会不会产生不符点。
——是的,收货人做成指示性抬头,或者TO ORDER OF SHIPPER,只要没有不清洁标注就是清洁提单,shipped on board一般提单上都有显示的

[ 本帖最后由 Bruce100 于 2012-11-27 09:38 编辑 ]


1.个人认为 这样 to the order BANQUE AL-BARAKA D ALGERIE on behalf of:app
2.不标注就代表清洁提单,提单上一般都是打印上去shipped on board
3.3/3 original bill of landing 吧

谢谢:handshake 已经反馈给客户。
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