1,EUR-1 declaration(in the invoice),or EUR-1 certificate for materical manufactured by other countries.
2,Apropriate original certificate of origin for materical manufactured by other countries.(according to commercial confirmed by **)
3 Proforma invoice or order ackowledgement shoud send by email ,not laert than two w.d.
4 在发票里面要求出具具体银行信息。这个要写在哪里呢。
5 在箱单要求里面:includ container number,container size ,qty of package of each type,.Totals :volume,weight-net ,gross,qty of package
container number,装箱号container size ,装箱尺寸qty of package of each type,每种类型包装数量.Totals :volume体积,weight-net 净重,gross,毛重qty of package 包装数
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