加拿大进出口外贸银行保函样本七份 (中英文)之二


供货保函  (中英文)

  Guarantee for Supply of a Vessel

致:受益人To: The beneficiary          保函编号:  Our Ref. No._____

                                     出具日期:  Date:_____

敬启者:Dear Sirs,

供货保函    第    号

              Guarantee for Supply of a Vessel


WHEREAS by Shipping Contract No._____dated_____ (as subsequently amended by Addendum dated _____) (the Shipping Contract) concluded between ABC (the Seller) and XYZ (the Buyer), the Seller agreed to construct for the Buyer one _____ mt. dw, single screw, diesel driven, container vessel named ______ at Guangzhou Shipyard upon the terms and conditions therein appearing; and,


WHEREAS by Paragraph 1 of Article______ of the Shipping Contract the Seller has agreed to procure a Letter of Guarantee to be given by the Bank to the Buyer upon the terms and conditions appearing therein,


NOW THEREFORE, we, the undersigned ______ Bank, for good and valuable consideration and at the request of the Seller, do hereby irrevocably guarantee that:


1. in the event that the Seller shall become liable to pay the cost of the repair and/or replacements in respect of any defects of the Vessel, her Hull, her machinery and all parts and equipment thereof (the Guarantee Items) which are the subject of guarantee by the Seller under the provisions of Article______ of the Shipping Contract; and,



2. in the event that the Seller fails to pay such costs in accordance with the terms of the Guarantee provisions, then we shall pay you such sum or sums equivalent to such costs within __business days after our receipt from you of a demand in writing, which shall be accompanied by:A. (1) copy letter from the Buyer to the Seller whereby the Seller has been notified of the defect for which the Buyer has made a claim, describing the nature of the defect and the extent of the damage caused thereby, with:


(a) letter of the Seller's acceptance of the said defect as justifying remedy under the Guarantee provisions, or


    (b) a certificate from the Buyer stating that no response was received from the Seller within

        ______ days of the said notification, and


    (2) copy letter from the Buyer to the Seller notifying the Seller of the time and place where repairs of the item or items will take place or have taken place, and

   (3)下列二者之一 (3) either


(a)    an original invoice or invoices (in duplicate) from the relevant Shipyard, manufacturer or supplier, which shall be countersigned by the Shipyard's guarantee engineer (as defined in the Shipping Contract), or


(b) an original invoice or invoices (in duplicate) from the relevant Shipyard, manufacturer or supplier, together with a certificate signed by a reputable classification society surveyor;


B. notary-certified copy of an arbitration award in favor of the Buyer rendered by an arbitrator or arbitration board appointed pursuant to Article_____ of the Shipping Contract and the Guarantee provisions.


3. The maximum aggregate amount of our liability under this Guarantee shall in no event exceed the sum of USD_____ (say _____ ) Furthermore, this sum shall be automatically reduced by any sum or sums paid by the Seller and/or by us to the Buyer from time to time in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Guarantee.


4. For the purpose of this Guarantee a demand presented to us in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 2 hereinabove and accompanied by the documents therein specified shall be conclusive as to the liability of the Seller to the Buyer to pay the costs referred to in Paragraph 1 hereinabove, provided that in any case other than a demand accompanied by an arbitration award per Paragraph 2B hereinabove or a letter of the Seller's acceptance per Paragraph 2A (1) hereinabove we have not, before or within _____ business days after receipt of such demand, received notice in writing or by telex from the Seller that such liability is disputed.


5. This Guarantee shall be effective from the date on which the Buyer accepts and takes delivery of the Vessel and (subject to the proviso set below) shall expire and cease to have effect:


(a) in respect of any claim under the Guarantee provisions relating to the diesel engine T220L-UT_____ on______ , or


(b) in respect of all other claims under the Guarantee provisions on a date _____ months after the date of delivery of the Vessel.


6. This Letter of Guarantee shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the Laws of England. We hereby agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for the purpose of any legal action or proceedings in connection herewith.


    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Bank has caused this Guarantee to be executed by its duly authorized representative on the date first above written.




  致:受益人To: The beneficiary          保函编号     Our Ref. No.

                                       出具日期    Date:

经——通知   ADVISED THROUGH_____

敬启者Dear Sirs,


Our Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee No.


With reference to the Loan Agreement No. _____ signed between your good selves and______  (hereinafter referred to as Party A) in place on date and at the request of Party A, we hereby establish in your favor an Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee No.______ for an amount not exceeding______ (in words).


We guarantee that, after you provide Party A with the loan as stipulated in the Agreement, they will repay you the principal as well as the interest accrued thereon at______ % p.a. within the time in accordance. with the terms and conditions of the Agreement. Should Party A fail to repay you the loaned amount plus interest wholly or partially within the time limit, we undertake to effect the aforesaid repayment plus interest on their behalf, after we have received from the advising bank within the validity of this L/G your written demand to be verified by Party A.


The ensured amount under this L/G will reduce in proportion to the amount(s) plus interest already repaid by Party A and/or by us.


This L/G is valid from the date when Party A receives the said Loan from you until __ and should be returned to us for cancellation upon its expiry.



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