UCP 600 - Article 8
Confirming Bank Undertaking
a. Provided that the stipulated documents are presented to the confirming bank or to any other nominated
bank and that they constitute a complying presentation, the confirming bank must:
i. honour, if the credit is available by
a. sight payment, deferred payment or acceptance with the confirming bank;
b. sight payment with another nominated bank and that nominated bank does not pay;
c. deferred payment with another nominated bank and that nominated bank does not incur its deferred
payment undertaking or, having incurred its deferred payment undertaking, does not pay at maturity;
d. acceptance with another nominated bank and that nominated bank does not accept a draft drawn on it
or, having accepted a draft drawn on it, does not pay at maturity;
e. negotiation with another nominated bank and that nominated bank does not negotiate.
ii. negotiate, without recourse, if the credit is available by negotiation with the confirming bank.
b. A confirming bank is irrevocably bound to honour or negotiate as of the time it adds its confirmation to
the credit.
c. A confirming bank undertakes to reimburse another nominated bank that has honoured or negotiated a
complying presentation and forwarded the documents to the confirming bank. Reimbursement for the
amount of a complying presentation under a credit available by acceptance or deferred payment is due at
maturity, whether or not another nominated bank prepaid or purchased before maturity. A confirming
bank's undertaking to reimburse another nominated bank is independent of the confirming bank's
undertaking to the beneficiary.
d. If a bank is authorized or requested by the issuing bank to confirm a credit but is not prepared to do so,
it must inform the issuing bank without delay and may advise the credit without confirmation.
[ 本帖最后由 剑鱼 于 2012-12-18 15:22 编辑 ]
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