以下是客户对于这个TR payment的解释TR is actually a form of remittance which is another payment option of TT.
It is a facility from our appointed local bank to pay on behalf of our company if we are able to provide them with the commercial invoice of the shipment.
It is a preferred payment term by our company, as compared to TT, as we are able to get credit benefits from our bank.
Pls be rest assured that this is similar to TT payment and the payment amount would get across to your bank account in the same way.
The only difference to TT payment is that we would not be able to remit you initial 30% payment first, as TR requires Commercial Invoice and Packing List.
However, you could be assured that full payment would be remitted to you before the shipment sails out.
Also, TR procedures are like TT, which are of lesser hassle than LC payment。
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