请问各位大虾,现有一印度最终谈妥用LC的付款方式,但是客户说,他们银行要操作LC之前,要求我们提交一份证明,用公司抬头纸加盖签章,这是当地银行的要求,证明的内容表格如下:PRFORMA OF REMITTANCE CERTIFICATE TO BE SUBMITTED ON LETTER HEAD
Sr.No. Item Reply/confirmation
1 Whether there is any permanent establishment in India NO
(your subsidiary company / your branch office / your liaison office etc... in India)
through which the beneficiary of the remittance is directly or indirectly carrying on
such activity of supply or things?
2 Whether such remittance is attributable to or connected with such permanent establishment? Not Applicable
3 If so, the amount of income comprised in such remittance which is liable to tax. Not Applicable
4 If not, the reasons in brief therefore. Not applicable
[ 本帖最后由 hongtiantrade 于 2013-1-7 21:39 编辑 ]
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