: : Confirmation Charges are for the account of Beneficiary.: :
: : A discrepancy fee equivalent to NZD 140.00 or the fee current at
: : the time of the charge will be deducted from the proceeds for
: : each set of documents presented with discrepancies under this
: : Documentary Credit.
: :
: : Drafts presented hereunder must state the following 'Drawn under
: : Documentary Credit No. LM597861166 dated December 27, 2012
: : issued by ANZ Bank New Zealand Ltd, Auckland 1010, New Zealand.'
: :
:71B: Charges
: : All banking charges other than the
: : Issuing Bank's charges are for
: : the account of the beneficiary.
: : See Additional Conditions for
: : further charges information.
46A: Documents Required
: : +1 original and 1 copy Commercial Invoice
: : +1 original and 1 copy Packing List
: : +1 original and 1 copy Insurance Policy/Certificate endorsed in
: : blank for invoice values plus 10 percent covering ALL RISKS.
: : +Full set of clean on board Marine/Ocean Bill of Lading consigned
: : to order of shipper blank endorsed, and marked freight prepaid
46A: Documents Required
: : +1 original and 1 copy Commercial Invoice-----商业发票一正一副
: : +1 original and 1 copy Packing List-----装箱单一正一副
: : +1 original and 1 copy Insurance Policy/Certificate endorsed in--------保单一正一副
: : +Full set of clean on board Marine/Ocean Bill of Lading consigned to order of shipper blank endorsed, and marked freight prepaid-------全套提单,收货人:to order of shipper,由SHIPPER空白背书,在提单空白处显示freight prepaid
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