今天要订票MSC的船,代理给我发了个保函,需要盖章才能订舱。我看了下好像有问题。请高手指点,帮忙翻译下以下条款。1. We warrant and guarantee that we and all our affiliates, subsidiaries, agents and employees are fully authorised to conduct business transactions/shipments with Syria in accordance with all Sanctions and we undertake to provide MSC with proof of such authorization from the competent authority immediately upon MSC’s first demand.
2. We warrant and guarantee that the above shipment is in compliance with all such Sanctions applicable to this shipment.
3. We warrant and guarantee to maintain a process that ensures compliance with all current Sanctions and to keep records of same, copies of which will be provided to MSC immediately upon MSC’s first demand.
4. We warrant and undertake that we will not expose MSC, its affiliates, subsidiaries, servants, agents, employees or subcontractors to any sanction or prohibition from any national, supranational, or international governmental organisation.
5. We irrevocably undertake to indemnify and hold MSC, its servants, agents and subcontractors harmless in respect of any loss, damage, claim, fine and expense whatsoever, including legal costs and attorney’s fees, which may result from our non-compliance with the terms of this letter.
谢谢你:handshake 总之觉得这些条款奇怪的很。 不配MSC了 太繁琐了。
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