第一次回复内容:Could you confirm if your price will be USD 0,15 per piece?If this is the price, it is really high to our market. USD 0,15 the price that not include the rates and freight is more expensive than the target that has been sold in Brazil.
Here the target can be bought for USD 0,10.
第二次回复内容:The estimated price including the rates in Brazil will reach USD 0,28 per piece.
As our customer is paying USD 0,13 including all the rates, your quotation does not fit his needs.
已知对方征收关税是20%, 可怎么能算出USD0.28?,感觉他不怎么靠谱似的? 此公司是做贸易的。不是专做此项产品的。
我当时给的报价是按数量报的(客户没有给出明确数量要求),如 500units 0.15美金,1000units是0.14美金,1500units是0.13美金。
请问此类客户是有意向合作的吗以及该如何回复该客户。 请各位同仁赐教,不胜感激。。。
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