national westminster bank PLC(THE BANK) undertakes no obligation to make any payment under, or other wise to implement or process the instrument if in the reasonable opinion of the bank (1) in any transaction connected to or contemplated by the instrument there is any involvement by or connection with any person, entity, vessel, goods, services, country or government which is subject to any restrictions imposed by sanctions laws or regulations issued by the united states of America, European union, united nations, united kingdom or (2) to do so is likely to result in breach of applicable sanctions laws or regulations. neither the instrument nor its proceeds can be transferred, assigned, novated or encumbered where to do so would result in there being an involvement or connection refered to in paragragh (1) above or in a breach of applicable sanctions laws or regulations. this clause applies irrespective of whether any rules or other practive may provide otherwise.the instrument means, where the context so requires, the instrument:
(1) in which this clause appears, or
(2) to which this advice or confirmation relates, or
(3)to which this transfer, assignment or novation relates.
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