1》Amount in figures(小寫)USD91,151.7(此为用信用证支付的部分,实际发票还要加60%定金+运费,是否没问题?)2)by sight paymet /negotiation (Y)/at sight(Y) /at__________/deferred payment at/acceptance of beneficiary's draft at
不太明白这几个的区别,我们做的是定金+L/C AT SIGHT , 勾选 negotiation (Y)/at sight(Y) 是否OK?其它是指什么??
3)Documents required:
1.Commercial invoice in 3 copies manually signed, indicating this credit number () and Import Permit No.
2.Insurance Policy or Certificate in duplicate, endorsed in blank, in the same currency of the credit for 110% of the invoice
value including Institute Cargo Clauses A ( ) B ( ) C ( )
A )Institute Cargo Clauses(Air) B)Institute War Clauses(Cargo) C)Institute Strikes Clauses(Cargo)
3.Full set 2/3 originals of clean on board of (Y) Bill of lading () Multimodal Transport Document made out to the order of
( Y )Bank of Taiwan ( ) applicant, indicating this credit number marked "Freight ( )Prepaid (Y)Collect" and notify applicant.
这个是要几2份正本3分复本提单吗? Consignee 写成:TO THE ORDER OF BANK OF TAIWAN NOTIFY :写信用证申请人APPLICANT的信息吗?
Packing List in triplicate. (3份正本发票?)
Copy of beneficiary’s fax to applicant(fax no:886-XXXX) and the issuing bank (fax no: 886-XXXXXXadvising L/C NO., description of commodities, invoice amount, date of shipment and name of vessel within 3 days. after shipment.
这个是不是发货后3天内传真给到客人和对方的银行,可是传真后以什么为凭证呢? (难道还要递交这个传真材料一起给银行??)
4.45AEvidencing shipment of:(貨品名稱) ( )本貨品須辦理簽證(須輸入許可證),CCC.Code.
货描中客人写了型号以项目的件数 ,及Detail: As per P/I 1304028 Date: 2013-04-15,到时提单也要按他这样列出来吧,还是给个总品名呀?提单写总品名,发票和箱单写详细品名这样可以吗?
5.Additional conditions:The draft(s) must bear the clause:Drawn under documentary credit No. _________issued by Bank of Taiwan
Others: ____% more or less in quantity and amount are acceptable.
Copy of beneficiary’s fax to applicant(fax no:886-XXXX) and the issuing bank (fax no: 886-XXXXXXadvising L/C NO., description of commodities, invoice amount, date of shipment and name of vessel within 3 days. after shipment.
这个是不是发货后3天内传真给到客人和对方的银行,可是传真后以什么为凭证呢? (难道还要递交这个传真材料一起给银行??)
RE: 该条款要求受益在装船日后3天内发送传真给开证行申请及开证行,告知品名,信用证号,发票金额,开船日,船名。
3.Full set 2/3 originals of clean on board of (Y) Bill of lading () Multimodal Transport Document made out to the order of
( Y )Bank of Taiwan ( ) applicant, indicating this credit number marked "Freight ( )Prepaid (Y)Collect" and notify applicant.
full set 2/3 original 应该是3份中的2份提单正本。
made out to the order of bank of taiwan
要求提单收货人:to the order of bank of taiwan
marked freight collect and notify applicant
提单需注明运费到付,通知方:开证申请人(参考LC 50 field)
Packing List in triplicate. (3份正本箱单?)
2.Insurance Policy or Certificate in duplicate, endorsed in blank, in the same currency of the credit for 110% of the invoice
value including Institute Cargo Clauses A ( ) B ( ) C ( )
1.Commercial invoice in 3 copies manually signed, indicating this credit number () and Import Permit No. 这里也没勾,是不是就不用写IMPORT PERMIT NO。
A )Institute Cargo Clauses(Air)
B)Institute War Clauses(Cargo)
C)Institute Strikes Clauses(Cargo)
加拿大电商我的客户需要从非洲免关税国家进口一些商品,所谓的免关税是不是也不用交增值税。 如果要交增值税,增值税的税率是多少? 菜鸟向各位前辈请教了。 评论 关税与增值税是俩个税种 加拿大电商Hallo, bitte schicken Sie uns mehr info uber die QT8-15- Machine MfG Alfredo 评论 晕死 是德语 你去德语区问问吧 评论 要你关于QT8-15- 这个型号机器的信息 评论 跟你要关于QT8-15- 这个型号机器的资料信息
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