加拿大进出口外贸第一次做信用证的你 也在迷茫吗


新手 第一次接触信用证要审单 麻烦元老们帮忙审一下46A, 47A 和71B, 49, 78, 57D。

有没有不符点 和一般信用证上比较很少出现的条款, 比如很难做到的。

好多都是大写的, 看着不方便, 我把这些都打成小写的了。

46A: Documents Required
1- Beneficiary's singned commercial invoice in orignal and 6 Copies certifying that goods shipped are according to proforma invoice No. ...

2- Certificate of chinese origin countersigned by the chamber of commerce or federation of industries

3- Full set clean on board ocean bills of lading Issued to the order of the ...(付款行)Marked  freight prepaid and notify applicant

4- Packing List

5- Weight List

6- Insurance policy or certificate Issued in duplicate to the order of ...(付款行), Covering Marine Risk and War Risk and All Risk for CIF Invoice Value Pluse 10 PCT.  Indicating that claims are payable in L/C Currency at Prot of destination and evidencing that Insurance premium has been paid

7- Certificate Issued by the shipping company or their agent's , The Master or his agent certifying that the Carrying vessel's age at the date of shipment does not exceed 30 years.

47A: Additional Conditions

1- All documents must bear this L/c No

2- We will charge a discrepany fee of USD  60.00 for each presentation of discrepant documents plus any charges related to

3- we will hold discrepant documnts at your disposal, however if we did not receive any instructions from you prior to the receiving of applicants acceptance, we will deliver documents to them without seeking your approval

4- The negotiating bank must certify on its schedule that documents has been presented within the presentation period

5- All documents should be issued in L/C language

6- your confirmation ( if any ) is subject to collecting your confirmation commision from beneficiary's A/C before being added

7- This letter of credit is subject to UCP for documentary credits 2007 revision, ICC publication No. 600 and ICC uniform rules for bank to bank reimbursements URR No. 725 and ISBP 681

8- Extra photocopy of all docs required to be presented to us with the first lot

71B: Charges

+All charges outside...(国家) are for beneficiaries Account

49: Confirmation Instructions


78: Istructions to the paying/ Accepting/ Negotiating bank

+ Documents to be sent in two lots, the first to be send by fast courier services and the second by registered airmail to our mailing address at central operation unit - (地址)

+ We undertake to remit you value of complying presentation under this L/C as per your instructions

打好了 , 帮忙审一下吧, 新手 菜鸟一个。 谢谢了

都 是正常条款,可以做到的,船龄证明要由船公司出具。按其要求制单就可以了,其他是议付行要做的。

46A: Documents Required
1- Beneficiary's singned commercial invoice in orignal and 6 Copies certifying that goods shipped are according to proforma invoice No. ...
CI上面备注上goods shipped are according to proforma invoice No. ...

2- Certificate of chinese origin countersigned by the chamber of commerce or federation of industries 商会出具的CO

3- Full set clean on board ocean bills of lading Issued to the order of the ...(付款行)Marked  freight prepaid and notify applicant 全套清洁开船提单,收货人显示:to the order of the ...(付款行),通知方: 申请人;备注运费预付

4- Packing List

5- Weight List

6- Insurance policy or certificate Issued in duplicate to the order of ...(付款行), Covering Marine Risk and War Risk and All Risk for CIF Invoice Value Pluse 10 PCT.  Indicating that claims are payable in L/C Currency at Prot of destination and evidencing that Insurance premium has been paid
正常 保险条款
7- Certificate Issued by the shipping company or their agent's , The Master or his agent certifying that the Carrying vessel's age at the date of shipment does not exceed 30 years. 船证,要求船龄不足30年


1.1- All documents must bear this L/c No

8- Extra photocopy of all docs required to be presented to us with the first lot

78: Istructions to the paying/ Accepting/ Negotiating bank

+ Documents to be sent in two lots, the first to be send by fast courier services and the second by registered airmail to our mailing address at central operation unit -

6- Insurance policy or certificate Issued in duplicate to the order of ...(付款行), Covering Marine Risk and War Risk and All Risk for CIF Invoice Value Pluse 10 PCT.  Indicating that claims are payable in L/C Currency at Prot of destination and evidencing that Insurance premium has been paid


we will hold discrepant documnts at your disposal, however if we did not receive any instructions from you prior to the receiving of applicants acceptance, we will deliver documents to them without seeking your approval



6- Insurance policy or certificate Issued in duplicate to the order of ...(付款行), Covering Marine Risk and War Risk and All Risk for CIF Invoice Value Pluse 10 PCT.  Indicating that claims are payable in L/C Currency at Prot of destination and evidencing that Insurance premium has been paid

这段是对信用证保险的要求, 我们是专业做这类信用证保险的 楼主我们可以满足您的要求:handshake

46A: Documents Required
1- Beneficiary's singned commercial invoice in orignal and 6 Copies certifying that goods shipped are according to proforma invoice No. ...

   受益人签发的商业发票原件和复印件6份,发票上要证明货物是根据形式发票号...(在发票上打上一句话: We hereby certify
   goods shipped are according to proforma invoice No. ...)

2- Certificate of chinese origin countersigned by the chamber of commerce or federation of industries


3- Full set clean on board ocean bills of lading Issued to the order of the ...(付款行)Marked  freight prepaid and notify applicant

   全套正本清洁海运提单,是收货人:TO THE ORDER OF THE ...(付款行),提单上注明 :FREIGHT PREPAID,通知人:申请人 (写上通知人的公司名称和详细 地址,联系方式是最好的)

4- Packing List

5- Weight List

6- Insurance policy or certificate Issued in duplicate to the order of ...(付款行), Covering Marine Risk and War Risk and All Risk for CIF Invoice Value Pluse 10 PCT.  Indicating that claims are payable in L/C Currency at Prot of destination and evidencing that Insurance premium has been paid

  签发的保险单或保险凭证一式两份,受益人: to the order of ...(付款行), 以CIF发票价值加保10%投保水险,战争险,一切险.  注明在目的港,以信用证规定的货币付款,并证明保险费已经付款.

evidencing that Insurance premium has been paid 这个需要怎么证明?  在保单上标注这句话吗?

47A: Additional Conditions

2- We will charge a discrepany fee of USD  60.00 for each presentation of discrepant documents plus any charges related to

   我们将收取不符点费用60USD,针对每个不符点文件的承兑.加上其它相关费用. (这个是每一个不符点就收取60USD,还是无论不符点多少,都只收60USD?)


3- we will hold discrepant documnts at your disposal, however if we did not receive any instructions from you prior to the receiving of applicants acceptance, we will deliver documents to them without seeking your approval


(  这个还是需要征求受益人意见的好吧,还是要等受益人说服客人接受了不符点在寄送的好吧,要不真会有风险的)

4- The negotiating bank must certify on its schedule that documents has been presented within the presentation period

    这个是议付行的事情吧? 对于受益人只要按时交单就可以了.

5- All documents should be issued in L/C language

6- your confirmation ( if any ) is subject to collecting your confirmation commision from beneficiary's A/C before being added


7- This letter of credit is subject to UCP for documentary credits 2007 revision, ICC publication No. 600 and ICC uniform rules for bank to bank reimbursements URR No. 725 and ISBP 681


这个应该如何修改呢 这点是很不安全


46A: Documents Required
1- Beneficiary's singned commercial invoice in orignal and 6 Copies certifying that goods shipped are according to proforma invoice No. ...

    受益人签发的商业发票原件和复印件6份,发票上要证明货物是根据形式发票号...(在发票上打上一句话: We hereby certify
    goods shipped are according to proforma invoice No. ...)

5- Weight List

6- Insurance policy or certificate Issued in duplicate to the order of ...(付款行), Covering Marine Risk and War Risk and All Risk for CIF Invoice Value Pluse 10 PCT.  Indicating that claims are payable in L/C Currency at Prot of destination and evidencing that Insurance premium has been paid

   签发的保险单或保险凭证一式两份,受益人: to the order of ...(付款行), 以CIF发票价值加保10%投保水险,战争险,一切险.  注明在目的港,以信用证规定的货币付款,并证明保险费已经付款.

2- We will charge a discrepany fee of USD  60.00 for each presentation of discrepant documents plus any charges related to

    我们将收取不符点费用60USD,针对每个不符点文件的承兑.加上其它相关费用. (这个是每一个不符点就收取60USD,还是无论不符点多少,都只收60USD?)

evidencing that Insurance premium has been paid 这个需要怎么证明?  在保单上标注这句话吗?

不是你说的意思, we will hold discrepant documnts at your disposal, however if we did not receive any instructions from you prior to the receiving of applicants acceptance, we will deliver documents to them without seeking your approval

真抱歉,prior to the receiving of applicants acceptance这个地方,我确实没有翻译正确,。,当时我翻译的时候,就有点纳闷,说着银行咋这样呢。。现在仔细看看,确实如你所说。。这个银行真好哈。。也比较规矩。。。对我的误导想对LZ说声抱歉。。

没关系 对怀疑的地方 就讲出来  我也会多家小心 并且更加细心的询问 搞清楚事实  谢谢大家的热心帮助 感激:)

感谢 xueanzhu   

你们的专业 给了我很大的帮助
加拿大电商我的客户需要从非洲免关税国家进口一些商品,所谓的免关税是不是也不用交增值税。 如果要交增值税,增值税的税率是多少? 菜鸟向各位前辈请教了。 评论 关税与增值税是俩个税种 加拿大电商Hallo, bitte schicken Sie uns mehr info uber die QT8-15- Machine MfG Alfredo 评论 晕死 是德语 你去德语区问问吧 评论 要你关于QT8-15- 这个型号机器的信息 评论 跟你要关于QT8-15- 这个型号机器的资料信息
  ·生活百科 太阳电荷控制器上的气流方向
·生活百科 布里斯班新构建所需的V2H / V2G帮助



加拿大贸易当月销项-进项=-6万元,当月FOB总价*退税税率为10万元,那么当月可退税是6万元,免抵4万元 请问:这免抵的4万是不是要留到下期再进行抵扣????? 评论 这个问题问财务了。 评论 ...


加拿大电商EN10204-3.1 材质报告

加拿大贸易路过的前辈们有没有知道EN10204-3.1证书的? 我的客户现在要求材质报告上要注明EN10204-3.1字样,但是原厂的材质报告几乎没有这个字样。国内的大厂,基本上通过了各种认证,是不是他们 ...



加拿大贸易本人4个月换了3份工作,现在这份工作月底又要换工作了。我就说说我都遇到过哪些坑和哪些坑人的公司。 算算,去年毕业到现在有一年了。大学毕业就跑市场,自己创业,结果被现实 ...



加拿大贸易刚接触公司的地板产品,前辈却告诉我,目前最大的问题是除非是大公司订购,否则高昂的运费白搭。今天带我的前辈给我算了一下运费,都一万八了都。而且说订舱也订不到。那我来 ...