2. Full set of 3/3 Originals and 2 non negotiable copies of clean “On board” ocean/marine/multimodal bills of lading made out to the order of shipper, endorsed in blank, marked Freight _Prepaid /_Collect, and notify applicant and HSBC Bank Middle East Limited P.O. Box 57, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain, quoting this DC number.6. Certificate of origin in duplicate issued by the chamber of commerce or industry in the beneficiary/exporting country stating that the goods are of CHINA origin showing the full name and address of manufacturer or producer and exporter of the goods.
9. A Marine Insurance Policy or Certificate issued in negotiable form in the currency of this Documentary Credit for full CIF value plus 10 percent from warehouse to warehouse covering Institute Cargo Clause(A), Institute War Clauses (Cargo) and Institute Strike Clauses (Cargo), with claims if any payable in the Kingdom of Bahrain, irrespective of percentage, showing name and address of the claims settling agent in Bahrain.
3. The insurance policy ( if called for) and certificate of origin in languages other than English are acceptable only if they are accompanied by a translation in English duly countersigned by a Chamber of Commerce. Any other documents submitted under this Documentary Credit in languages other than English are not acceptable.
6. Certificate of origin in duplicate issued by the chamber of commerce or industry in the beneficiary/exporting country stating that the goods are of CHINA origin showing the full name and address of manufacturer or producer and exporter of the goods.
由商会出具的原产地证一式三份,在货描处显示WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT that the goods are of CHINA origin ,并且显示生产商的名称和地址
Full set of 3/3 Originals and 2 non negotiable copies of clean “On board” ocean/marine/multimodal bills of lading made out to the order of shipper, endorsed in blank, marked Freight _Prepaid /_Collect, and notify applicant and HSBC Bank Middle East Limited P.O. Box 57, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain, quoting this DC number.
三正二副清洁已装船提单(海运、多式联运都行),收货人:to the order of shipper ,要求提单空白背书;通知人:1.申请人,2.汇丰银行中东分行
注明运费预付 or到付
3. The insurance policy ( if called for) and certificate of origin in languages other than English are acceptable only if they are accompanied by a translation in English duly countersigned by a Chamber of Commerce. Any other documents submitted under this Documentary Credit in languages other than English are not acceptable.
9. A Marine Insurance Policy or Certificate issued in negotiable form in the currency of this Documentary Credit for full CIF value plus 10 percent from warehouse to warehouse covering Institute Cargo Clause(A), Institute War Clauses (Cargo) and Institute Strike Clauses (Cargo), with claims if any payable in the Kingdom of Bahrain, irrespective of percentage, showing name and address of the claims settling agent in Bahrain.
4.赔付:Kingdom of Bahrain,不论百分比,
9. A Marine Insurance Policy or Certificate issued in negotiable form in the currency of this Documentary Credit for full CIF value plus 10 percent from warehouse to warehouse covering Institute Cargo Clause(A), Institute War Clauses (Cargo) and Institute Strike Clauses (Cargo), with claims if any payable in the Kingdom of Bahrain, irrespective of percentage, showing name and address of the claims settling agent in Bahrain
2.投保金额 按CIF *1.1
4.赔付:Kingdom of Bahrain,不设免疫
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