Undertaking to fulfil the terms and conditions of the' AGREEMENT submitted to you, we hereby request you to issue a Letter of Guarantee as bid bond in accordance with the column marked (X) shown below.
( ) Please issue and advise the beneficiary of your issuing the following Letter of Guarantee reading:
( )请出具下述内容的保函并通知受益人:
保 函 (投标保证书) (中英文)
Letter of Guarantee (Bid Bond)
At the request of and for account of. .. We hereby issue this irrevocable Letter of Guarantee amounting to USD...in favor of XYZ Company as Bid Bond for the tender opening on (date) called by the beneficiary under the tender No
应(申请人名称)的要求并作为其代理,我们特此出具以( )为受益人、金额为( )不可撤销的本保函,作为受益人根据( )开标的第( )标书所要求的投标保证书。
We, ABC Bank, hereby guarantee to pay the above-mentioned amount under this Letter of Guarantee subject to the following conditions:
我们( )银行特此保证支付本保函项下的上述金额,只要符合以下条件:
The above-mentioned amount be paid to the beneficiary through your fine bank in case the accountee does not enter into contract with the beneficiary for the reasons to be solely attributed to the accountee despite his /her success in the aforesaid bid and consequently corresponding bid bond should be confiscated by the beneficiary.
This Guarantee remains in force until (date), after which this Guarantee becomes null and void automatically and should be returned to us.
本保函的有效期继续到( )为止,过了这一天本保函便自动失去效力并应当退还给我们。
This Guarantee shall be released in full immediately when the accountee fails the bid.
( ) Please issue a Letter of Guarantee as per form attached hereto, terms and conditions of which remain unchanged as per our written agreement dated...
( )请按照本申请书所附格式出具一份保函,因为根据我们于( )日所定的书面协议内的条款和条件没有改变。
( ) Please have anyone of your correspondent banks issue its own guarantee in accordance with the terms and conditions of the attached form.
( )请委托你们的任何一家代理银行按照所附格式内的条款和条件出具其自己的保函。
1.BID BOND投标保证金,押标保证,押标保证金。本文指投标契约,即投标保证书。
2.In favor of,(f/o)以某某为受益人。金融业务中使用频繁,f/o可译作“受益人”。类似的缩写如c/o由某人转交,AD,a/d (after date)出票日后,发票后,期后,AS,a/s(after sight)见票后。
3.Subject to,这里Subject是副词,须和to连用,意为“在……条件下”,或者译为“条件是”等,本文译作“只要符合……条件”,比较恰当。
5.Be attributed to把……归因于,把……归咎于。根据上下文,这里译作“出于……原因”。比较:Be attributable to,可以归因于……前者语气肯定,后者不肯定,使用时,应注意二者的区别。Fail不及物、及物动词。本文为及物动词,指舍弃,放弃。
偿还贷款保函 (中英文)
1. 全额保证金,实行授信额度畅口管理的银行,随便申请;实行授信额度总额管理的银行,如果申请人在经办银行授信已没有余额,保证金可能都不好使——当然,如果在银行没有授信,或所有业务全部是所谓的“低风险业务”,又不受限制:开立保证金专户,交钱,签署保证金质押合同,开立保函协议,递交开立保函申请书,差不多可以了。另:保函各家银行均有标准版本,如要修改,起码得经过省分行一级的法律事务部门核准。
2. 支用授信额度。如果银行授信,这是一个漫长的过程:1.提交公司全部注册文件,3年及最近一期财务报告等等资料,先做客户评价和信用等评定。银行风险管理部门审定批复后,再申请额度授信:方案中必须包括保证类额度。授信批复后,就可以支用了。保证类额度风险等级很高,一般需要落实资产抵押或第三方反担保。然后递交申请,签署合同/协议,并不多就可以开立了。这个过程,乐观一点,3个月。
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