加拿大进出口外贸土耳其信用证LC draft 问题咨询贴!!!


1.31D date and place of expiry:  date=130826 place =at our counters.

我是否有需要该成 place= in China

2.46A4   copy of shipment advice
sent on shipment date to the applicant 's fax no.:00902124221951 and email address:*****
indicating shipment date,b/l number,vessel no.,ports of loading
+ fax receipt and email print- out must be attached to this effect.


3.47A   5   as per article 16c3 of ucp600,we are holding the documents until receipt and acceptance of applicant's waiver without
further authorization of the presenter.

4.47A   6 all documents will be sent to our address:**********
    by one of the following speed courier:DHL ups or tnt.
文件怎么要寄这里啊? 这里是不是只我们的银行把文件寄到这个地方呢?

5,ucp600 37c is not applicable.
这一条是否对我们有利的呢?  是否指不允许银行收取我们费用呢?

6.in case of late shipment, if our bank decides to approach to the applicant for a waiver and subject to
applicant's acceptance the following penalty conditions will be applied:

A)late shipment between 1 to 10 days after latest date of shipment,5 PCT discount will be deducted from commercial invoice
A)late shipment between 10 to 20 days after latest date of shipment,10 PCT discount will be deducted from commercial invoice
C) late shipment more than 20 days after the latest date of shipment,the applicant will have the right to cancel all the sales orders.

这一条我是否有必要让客户舍去呢? 虽然时间我们可以赶得及,可是我怕有了一个万一。


1.31D date and place of expiry:  date=130826 place =at our counters.

我是否有需要该成 place= in China

at our counters.  指开证行,是否修改看交单期是多长。有20天的话,就不用修改。

谢谢。latest date of shipment 是130805.有20天。

1.31D date and place of expiry:  date=130826 place =at our counters.

我是否有需要该成 place= in China

失效时间跟失效地一定要改为在中国,因为即便你的交单时间有20天 但是所有单据缮制结束后最早也要一个星期的样子,这样你寄出快递后到对方的银行的时间是自己没有办法掌控的,另外还有一个隐患就是即便他们按时收到了 但是一口否认你没有按时到达 那你也没有办法来辩驳!!!

2.46A4   copy of shipment advice
sent on shipment date to the applicant 's fax no.:00902124221951 and email address:*****
indicating shipment date,b/l number,vessel no.,ports of loading
+ fax receipt and email print- out must be attached to this effect.
这个最简单了 交单的时候自己做个传真复印件即可 ,类似于下面的  自己更改时间即可,操作的时候基本上都没有真正发的,单单一致满足LC要求即可。
TRANSMISSION REPORT                                                               
                                        JUL.16, 2010                14:15       
NO.  OTHER FACSIMILE                        START TIME        USAGE TIME        MODE        PAGES        RESULT       
02        043555527                JUL.16, 2010 14:15        00'38        SND        01        OK       

3.47A   5   as per article 16c3 of ucp600,we are holding the documents until receipt and acceptance of applicant's waiver without
further authorization of the presenter.

4.47A   6 all documents will be sent to our address:**********
    by one of the following speed courierHL ups or tnt.
将全套单据交给你们的开户行的时候 他们会给寄到对方银行,保险起见自己弄一个DHL的面单 就让银行按照这个DHL的面单寄送 自己留一份留底复印随单据一起提交给银行,这个是通常的做法。

6.in case of late shipment, if our bank decides to approach to the applicant for a waiver and subject to
applicant's acceptance the following penalty conditions will be applied:

A)late shipment between 1 to 10 days after latest date of shipment,5 PCT discount will be deducted from commercial invoice
A)late shipment between 10 to 20 days after latest date of shipment,10 PCT discount will be deducted from commercial invoice
C) late shipment more than 20 days after the latest date of shipment,the applicant will have the right to cancel all the sales orders

1. 土耳其信用证,大抵是开证行自己付款的付款信用证,只能在土耳其付款行到期了。有经验的开证行,是不会改到中国到期的。看看41A或41D,兑用银行是不是开证行自己?
3. 如果单据有不符点,开证行拒付,持有单据,风险和处置权归交单人的情况下,申请人放弃不符点,开证行将不再要求交单人授权再行放单。基本也是有利于交易的条款,如果申请人接受不符点,你不想退单退运吧?
4. 给交单行的寄单指示。
5. 是不是收费条款?无所谓了。通知行收不到通知费,开证行也不承担。不是禁止银行向你收费,是禁止通知行收不到你公司费用,回头向开证行要。
6. 迟装运。如果申请人接受,要分别按比例扣款。


[ 本帖最后由 sneer 于 2013-7-14 15:02 编辑 ]

非常感谢。就是说基本没有问题的吧? 我只要控制好交货时间就ok!



LZ 是个细心人呀

very good
加拿大电商我的客户需要从非洲免关税国家进口一些商品,所谓的免关税是不是也不用交增值税。 如果要交增值税,增值税的税率是多少? 菜鸟向各位前辈请教了。 评论 关税与增值税是俩个税种 加拿大电商Hallo, bitte schicken Sie uns mehr info uber die QT8-15- Machine MfG Alfredo 评论 晕死 是德语 你去德语区问问吧 评论 要你关于QT8-15- 这个型号机器的信息 评论 跟你要关于QT8-15- 这个型号机器的资料信息
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·生活百科 消费 /生产计



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