07...............................A transmit copy of such fax message must be accompanied with original shipping documents.
08. One set of no-nogetiable documents including detailed packing list must be dispatched to applicant within 05(five) days after shipment by fax no. Xxxxxxx and email no.xxxxxxxxx,and courier,courier receipt must accompany documents alone with beneficary 's certificate in this regard.
09.beneficiary' certificate in one original certifying that
A)goods must be packed in export standard packing to avoid damage /pilferage during the transmit to be quoted in commercial invoice and packing list
B) the price quality quantity and all other specification of the goods must be accordance with the terms of l/C and relative enclosed proforma invoice .
Additional condition:
1.LC ADVISING bank to be nominated to transfer the L/C FVG,BANK OF xxxx,address...,swift code....a/c........
2. All documents must be menually signed and must bear our credit number and date.
07 发送的此类传真信息复印件必须附带正本货运单据。
08 一套不可转让的单据,包括详细装箱单必须在装运后5天之内通过传真NO.XXXXX,email NO.XXXXX和快递发送至申请人,
09 一份受益人证书原件须证明:
Additional condition:
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