a warranty /guaranty certificate dully signed by the supplier to certify that dispached stores are exactly according to ordered specifications and stores or part of store if found not according to specificatins shall be replaced by the supplier free of all costs including the both way freight charges for damaged stores and also the replacement withoutany recourse.this certificate must be valid for one year评论
保函内容: 严格按照订单明细生产的,如果有不符规格的,将会免费更换。
guaranty certificate
we hereby certify that dispached stores are exactly according to ordered specifications and stores or part of store if found not according to specificatins shall be replaced by the supplier free of all costs including the both way freight charges for damaged stores and also the replacement withoutany recourse.this certificate must be valid for one year
请问这样可以当做质量保证书 可以吗
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